Oetober 7, 1946 | Dr. E. L. Tatum Osborn Botanical Laboratory. Yale University dew Haven ' Conn, Dear Ed: Dr. O. Hinge, of the Fourth International ‘Congress for Microbiology, Kommaunehospitalet, Copenhagen, haa asked me to invite gomeone from thie country to present a paper at the Fourth Inter . national Congrese for liicrobiology, to be held in Copenhagen July 20-26, 1947, on one of the following topics: : Variation and Mutation in Microorganisms ~ Adaptation or Induced Mutation a or something along these lines. | I imagine that this would be d fine opportunity to meet many of the Eyropean scientists in thie field and I hore you will be able ta see your way clear to accept an invitation to give a paper. Will you write directly to Dr. Winge telling him mhewie® or not you are able to attend? With beat regards, I am os of ' Bincerely yours, G, W. Beadle OWBige , / =