“AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY + , vee. held at Philadelphia a ‘ for Promoting Useful Knowledge 4 104 South Fifth Street 5 Philadelphia, Pa. 19106 4 . ‘Toune 23, 1977 fr. George W. Beadle 2 ‘} _ 8532 Dorchester Avenue 4 a é Chicago, Illinois 60637 “ ‘ " Dear Dr. Beadle: Loe . f a Bn ro _| A®S we are now beginning to work on the YEAR BCOK ‘oi. Of APS for 1977, I write to remind you of our corresoindence Seis Of a year or two hack regarding a biographical article of a wit @ay 2000 worda on Edward Tatum. You were going to get in a* So} teuch with Joshua Lederberg about ‘this. I should iixe very Lo much to have the article by October of this year. ‘Sincerely yours, . ai, 4 a George W. Corner * Editor ‘ es |