CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PASADENA 4 KERCKHOFF LABORATORIES OF BIOLOGY October 18, 1949 Dr. Joshue Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Lederberg: I am apologizing to you for my delay in writing about the suggested bacterial genetics course. Bernie Davis tells me that he has mentioned this to you so that you would be think- ing about it. We have discussed this in a recent faculty meeting, and everyone is enthusiastic about having it. In order to avoid having complications of credit, tuition, etc., it has been suggested that we call it a series of lectures and demon- strations in microbial genetics. I should like very much having you indicate whether there is a possibility that you could teke part or not. I hope very mich there is. We can certainly arrange to pay for all your travel expenses and subsistence in connection with this, and I hope we can manage to find at least a token honorarium. Also, if you think you might be able to come, I would like to know what you think about holding such a series of meetings in Pasa- dena as compared with having them at our Marine Station at Corona Del Mar. If they are here, many more people would attend. In fact, I am afraid they would be overrun with people. If they are at the Marine Station, there would be a small number of people who would attend and spend full-time on the spot with few or no distractions, I believe Davis has discussed with you the arrangements he has in mind as to division of labor, etc, Hoping to have a favorable answer from you, I am Sincerely yours, — “ee ARR Ge We Boadle GWB:pr