and have the same high regard for him as a human being having the most October 4, 1968 Sir Peter Medawar, F.R.S. National Institute for Medical Research The Ridgway Mill Hill London, N.W. 7, England Dear Peter: Veloce Dr. Alejandro Zaffaroni is an organic chemist that you may.or may not know fot his scientific work on the chromatography of steroids, but you will surely have heard something of him as the leading force in Syntex Laboratories, which has played such a central role in making a practical reality out of chemical contraception. I have known him for many years, profound values, as well as a very engaging wit and intelligence. Alex has recently resigned from his positions at Syntex to start a new venture, Alza Corporation, as a means of exploring some radically new basic approaches in pharmacology and pharmacodynamics. He is very eager to meet you and I feel I will be doing both of you a favor to try to facilitate the introduction intended by this letter. /WONy tAY He will be in London October 19-~23 (inclusive) and will inquire by phone of your office if you can possibly arrange some time to see him. He will be staying at the Dorchester, arriving the evening of the 18th, if you . should care to leave a measage for him: Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics P.S. The news setfion of Nature some weeks ago carried some brief items about Mill Hill, one of which caught my eye - that parasitic worms incor- porate host antigens as a means of masking themselves against immune rejection. I had not ensountered any such work in the literature, and if you Can uncover any publications on it I would appreciate hearing of them.