THE POPULATION COUNCIL ONE DAG HAMMARSKJGLD PLAZA CABLE: POPCOUNCIL, NEW YORK NEW YORK.N,Y. 10017 TELEPHONE (212) 644.1300 January 18, 1978 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Congratulations on your election as President of The Rockefeller University. The University and The Population Council have close and long-standing professional and other relationships that I hope will grow even stronger during your administration. For your preliminary information I enclose a brief pamphlet about the Council. If you think you might have time for us to meet on one of your visits to New York during the winter or spring, please let me know. I would enjoy the opportunity. With all good wishes for achievement and satisfaction in your demanding new post. Sincerely a YO ~ _ £ a George Zeidenstein President a Dr. Joshua Lederberg President-Elect of The Rockefeller University Joseph D. Grant Professor of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California