THOMAS E. MORGAN, PA., CHAIRMAN CLEMENT J. ZABLOCKI, WIS. WAYNE L. HAYS, OHIO L. H. FOUNTAIN, N.C. DANTE B. FASCELL, FLA, LEONARD FARBSTEIN, N.Y. CHARLES C, DIGGS, JR., MICH. WILLIAM T. MURPHY, ILL. CORNELIUS £. GALLAGHER, N.J. ROBERT N. C, NIX, PA. JOHN S. MONAGAN, CONN, DONALD M. FRASER, MINN. BENJAMIN S. ROSENTHAL, N.Y. EDWARD R. ROYBAL, CALIF. JOHN C. CULVER, IOWA LEE H. HAMILTON, IND. JOHN V. TUNNEY, CALIF. ABRAHAM KAZEN, JR., TEX. LESTER L. WOLFF, N.Y. JONATHAN B. BINGHAM, N.Y. GUS YATRON, PA. E. ROSS ADAIR, IND. WILLIAM S. MAILLIARD, CALIF. PETER H. B. FRELINGHUYSEN, N.J. WILLIAM S. BROOMFIELD, MICH. J. IRVING WHALLEY, PA. H.R. GROSS, [OWA E. ¥Y. BERRY, 5S. DAK. EDWARD J, DERWINSKI, ILL. F. BRADFORD MORSE, MASS. VERNON W. THOMSON, WIS. JAMES G. FULTON, PA. PAUL FINDLEY, !LL. JOHN BUCHANAN, ALA. ROBERT TAFT, JR., OHIO SHERMAN LLOYD, UTAH J. HERBERT BURKE, FLA, WILLIAM V. ROTH, JR., DEL. BOYD CRAWFORD, STAFF ADMINISTRATOR ROY J. BULLOCK, SENIOR STAFF CONSULTANT Dr. Joshua Professor Lederberg of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: | This is to inform you that the recent hearings on chemical-biological warfare held by the Subcommittee on National Security Policy and Scientific Developments in which you participated have now been issued. sent to you under separate cover. I also want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to you for your fine contribution to the subcommittee's consideration of this important issue, We have Congress of the United States Conmittee on Foreign Affairs House of Representatives Washington, BC. 20515 February 2, 1970 A copy is being | NO9 794 7 had an unusually large demand for the printed CBW hearings as a result of the quality of testimony given by you and. other witnesses. it CBW in the during the published. is the intention of the subcommittee to issue its own report on hearings. near future, drawing on the information and judgments presented A copy of that report will be sent to you when it is With best wishes, I am CJZ:pip o Sincerely yours, Clement J. Zablocki, Chairman Subcommittee on National Security Policy and Scientific Developments “a?