STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Gods DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS September 15, 1977 Dr. Gil Omenn Office of Science and Technology Executive Office of the President Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Gil: I have a letter from Frank Press dated June 21 which mentions, in passing, that his office "is making a study of basic research in mission agencies to see if goals of these agencies are being met by an adequate basic research program." I am sure that you will have your hands full in trying to do this for the major agencies which have obvious life science connections. In the process, however, I hoped you would not overlook NASA, which I regret to say is under- going some upheaval on precisely this axis. Over many years, I have had to observe that the agency goes ‘gung-ho’ for basic research, exactly when approved missions are in sight, and drops them during the intervals. The net result is a rather frustrating inability to make the timely preparations that can optimize our investments in these immensely costly missions. The person who has the best perspective on this, from a biological science standpoint, is probably Richard Young at NASA headtuarters (202-755-3732). Whatever else, I think you might be quite interested in many of the substantive details of the program that Dick is running. It has had a sometimes sur- prisingly basic orientation, but one which is to the greater benefit of the long term goals of the agency. With best wishes, as always. Yours sincerely, i Jogshtia Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL: ek-f DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS, STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 ¢ (415) 497-5052