Memo from To: Dy cle ens _- JOSHUA LEDERBERG Ae ro APR 5 1972 YREATHS, Pot Vi kins (phe easel na | Boog fron of tani demnsidel I at we fachisetty, LD (Oe pag isin pst dt ny of Vhawe ? Wheat wrk oe he Aprot toda Cbamd mn Lets otinrrphue) Care - hne 7 WVrerdh a AatKanis, Beda." Coder or Burater- anserted) ation bee , frondactin ete. Aandinne? g bor y, ltvebil Larrys . HP zh r- Stes be Geta ry Stunt” deertasinnts ? PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 XI N