THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY AND STRONG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14642 DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY February 28, 1977 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Department of Genetics Stanford, California 94305 Dear Josh: Enclosed is a copy of an article that we have developed for submission to ''Science''’. | have no idea whether it will be accepted. However, | thought it would be appropriate to send you a copy at this time. The literature summarized, enables one to see the extent of genetic exchange that naturally occurs among prokaryotes. Also, it addresses the concept of species barriers. | would be greatly interested in learning any remarks or criticism that you would like to transmit following examination of the manuscript. Sincerely, Prank) ©. i +/ Frank E. Young, W.D., Ph.D. Professor and Chairman FEY:mp Enc.