THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY AND STRONG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14642 DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY February 17, 1977 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Department of Genetics Stanford, California 94305 Dear Josh: Thank you very much for the prompt transmission of Erlich's manuscript. It really looks interesting and of major conceptual innovation. |! also appreciate your letter of February 4th. | was unaware of your early work with Bacillus subtilis transformation. Your contributions were gigantic and certainly shaped, not only the early but the continuing scene of international genetic research. | do appreciate the reference to the initial report of Burkholder and Giles. | left it out at that point, not to slight them but to emphasize the work that began following the discovery of trans- formation. In an earlier paper, Spores V, we covered that contri- bution. Possibly, it would be better for me to highlight it again in any other subsequent historical development. In any event, | certainly appreciate your comments and your many contributions to subtilis genetics. a Hope we can entice you to come to Rochester some time next year. Sincerely, . iE Frank E. Young, M.D., Ph.D. Professor and Chairman FEY:mp yrovt, ‘9 MOA