MAY 124975 cs) THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY AND STRONG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14642 DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY 6 May 1975 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Stanford, California 94305 Dear Josh: Under separate cover | have sent the strain for genetic mapping RUB830, which is relatively promiscuous for phage DNA grown on Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. That manuscript will be forthcoming and | will send it to you as soon as it is prepared. In addition, | have sent a lyophilized strain of the B. amyloliquefaciens that we used to isolate Bam. The enclosed outline of purification procedures will give you an indication of how we handle it. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to contact me. I would also greatly appreciate receiving the strain from Bacillus globiggi that you have worked with so that we can work on its restriction nucleases as well. Thank you very much for sending me your preprint. I think that it is a great step in the direction of gene purification. It is interesting to note that we had done similar experiments as yet unpublished with EcoR] utilizing the same relative group of markers. Our results are similar to yours and I will send these to you when | get a chance to pull them together. During the ASM meetings, we formulated the program for the upcoming Bacillus meeting. A copy is enclosed and | trust that you will be able to attend and participate in two ways. First, | believe that it would be highly appropriate if you could present your recent work with the EcoR1 digests and the use of other restriction nucleases on gene purification. In addition, i would like to invite you to summarize the proceedings of the conference and to give us your insights to the future of genetic manipulation in microbes. | believe from sitting with you at the Asilomar meetings that you would be able to really contribute a great deal to such proceedings. The meeting will be written up and published in the book MICROBIOLOGY. Because there is no copyright and limitation of republication of these data, many people will be submitting their manuscripts and thus it will constitute the first compen- dium of a volume dedicated to studies in Bacillfi. | will look forward hope- fully to your participation and to meeting with you at that time. With warmest regards, Sincerely, Frank E. Young, M.D., Ph.D. Enclosures Professor and Chairman Y/c