she a STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 « (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE . Department of Genetics | APR 7 1970 Mr. Kenneth Yalowits Arms Control and Disarmament Agency State Dept. Bldg. Washéngton, D.C. Z2oysy Dear Mr. Yalowitz: In response to your phone call. Please f@bl free to use my columns and the additional material I enclose herewith in any way you see fit. I have expressed myself on BW mainly via my column; however, I am also enclosing a couple of versions of the testimony I gave before Repr. Zablocki's subcommittee. This also has a good deal of other material that would be useful to you. There is some merit in the view that the U.S. "gave up nothing" in disavowing biological weapons, if the narrow interests of the U.S. are in question. It can hardly be a bargaining point in trying to win compensatory concessions in other areas that we are sensitive to the need to forfend disastrous epidemics. Small countries might feel that_ they could make a bid for great power at great risk with Biv, However, the toxins did reflect a somewhat different possibility, for they could have been developed into very significant weapons, with the possibility of specifically immunizing the attacking forces. It was no inadvertence that the Army was very reluctant to have toxins swept along with the living biological agents. You probably already have most of the material I have gathered up here; but it may be of some use just to have these formats. We already discussed the W.H.O. rexport on "Health Aspects of C&BW", There is also Robin Clarke's hook "We All Fall Down", and of course the chapter on "Biologicals" in Seymour Hersh's "Chemical and Biological Warfare", Freeman Quimby, at the Legisl. Ref. Service, Library of Congress has also surely collected a great deal of material that would be of use to you. Sincerely, P.S. I never did get a copy of Smith's talk in at Geneva. LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION - MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY | NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE ® S p