AUG 7 1969 ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE FUND incosoeaten ROOM 9... . POST OFFICE BUILDING .... P. O. DRAWER 740 ... . STONY BROOK, NEW YORK 11790... . (516) 751-5191 “iY _. 4-August 1969 Dear Scientist: The Environmental Defense Fund is contemplating litigation against the manu~ facturers of DDT, an action that is cssentially a demand for truth in advertizing and labeling. EDF believes that the users of this material should be told the truth about the consequences that occur when DDT is released into ti.c environment, just «s cigarette packages give fair warning of what smoking may do to the health of the smoker, It is hardly enough to warn prospective DDT users not to spray fish bowls or bird cages, and to direct that they keep DDT out of bodies of water when there is no possi:le way for them to do so, This litigation would demand that all products containing DDT carry the following statement, which has been restricted to those elements that can be con- clusively established with scientific’ evidence: WARNING: Whenused as directed, the DDT [1,1,1- isiculoro-2,2-bis(p-chloropienyijeinane] in this product can damage the reproduction of, or Kill non-target birds and fish, even at great distances from the site of applica~ tion and long after its use. EDF believes there are a number of compelling reasons why this kind of action should be undertaken in the near future. As amember of EDF's Scientists Advisory Committee, we would like to know your reaction to this proposed litigation. Before we take any action of this kind, we want to be sure that the action has broad support among environmental scientists. We would appreciate an early return. of the bottom of this page with an expression of yow: approval or disapproval of our proposed action, The envelope is for your convenlence and is not a solicitation for funds. This will not obligate or commit you in any way, and no names will be made public. Na sya For those of you who may not have heard, the DDT hearings in Madison con- cluded on May 21 after 27 days of testimony. Briefs must now be written, and a de- cision can probably be expected sometime in the fall. Sincerely, an wo ( } : «. a C iC aalte. Ns | io tebe ody Charles F, Wurstcr Chairman, Scientists Advisory Committee I IX] Approve . [ ] Disapprove of litigation demanding truth in advertizing and labeling of DDT.