September 23, 1968 Dr. G. E. W. Woletenholme The Ciba Foundation 41 Portland Place London, W. 1, England Dear Gordon: Thank you for your letter of 18 September concerning the Symposium you are planning to hold in New Delhi in March, 1969. I realize your need for a quick answer to help you get on with your plans, so I will not waste time with all of the detailed reasons, but can simply indicate that it will be quite impossible for me to fit this into my schedule. If it can be of some help for me to suggest a couple of other speakers who would profit from participation in your meeting and could make con- structive contributions on the subject of "The Brain as a Computer”, let me quickly nominate: Prof. Marvin Minsky Professor of Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project Mac Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Prof. Jerry Lettvin Professor of Communicatiohs Physiology Magsachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts As an alternative, I could suggest Prof. Eric Shooter of this department who would complement Whitaker's discussion with respect to the character- igation of the protein in the nervous system on which he has been working fdr quite sometime now. It certainly does appear to be a fascinating meeting quite apart from your holding it in India, and I am sorry to mise the occasion. I am also sorry to have barely missed seeing you on your recent visit. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL:th i IWIOHNALS TOM od