MAR 1 6 1970 Yale Univer sity New Haven, Connecticut 06520 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Sterling Chemistry Laboratory 225 Prospect Street 12th March 1970. Professor Joshua Lederberg, The Medical School, St Stanford University, . Stanford, CALIFORNIA. Dear Professor Lederberg, You will find my note on carboninonoxide metabolism on page 876 of the February 28th edition of Nature. This was published with extraordinary speed - six weeks. Unfortunately the journal chose to make certain editorial revisions and then did not give us the time to correct these in proof. The reference to your work in particular has been partially omitted and disturbed, and now looks quite confusing. Well perhaps it is not too bad, but in any case my apologies. OID 479 MN Best regards, d a rg Richard Wolfgang. rw/be po ppd oy 0.