APR 29 1969 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO BOULDER, COLORADO 80302 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY April 24, 1969 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg: Your letter of April 14 has only just reached me, having been forwarded to this address from Yale. I can answer it in part with some of the enclosed reprints. These include a report on some measurements of terrestial C!"*0, and studies on reaction of atomic carbon with inorganic molecules. I also send a review on carbon atom reactions with organic molecules. (We have pub- lished quite a few papers in the latter area, but the review will probably provide all the information you want). Your interest in carbon monoxide "metabolism" has started me thinking again about some ideas which arose from this old work of ours. The hypothesis involved is highly speculative and since my main interest is in the nature of simple chemical reaction, I haven't done much with it. However the few people to whom I've mentioned it, including Willard Libby and Charles Barth, could tell me of no obvious fallacy. ofiy9 370M The idea is simply that on CO, rich planets, like Mars, the life cycle is likely to be based on the metabolic oxidation of carbon monoxide. Solar UV radiation dissociates C0Q>. CO, + CO + 0 0O+0+M-+ 0, + M Reoxidation of CO to COz will then occur in a living organism. As mentioned in my article, as cited by you, metabolism of CO is possible: that is just what B. Oligocarbophilus does. Moreover, and this is the critical point, the chemical machinery necessary to extract metabolic energy from the oxidation of CO should be capable of being much simpler than that for photosynthesis. That would suggest that this metabolic cycle might be a primitive precursor to the photosynthetic cycle. Conceivably when the atmosphere of earth was rich in CO, rather than 02, terrestrial life also might then have developed through a CO energy cycle. Another advantage of the CO cycle to primitive life is that jt means that the organism can stay out of direct sunlight. This could be quite helpful as chemical combinations which would be unstable with respect to solar photolysis could be employed. If this hypothesis were correct then it would provide the solution to a rather vexing problem. As I mentioned, citing Bates, in my 1960 article, it is difficult to conceive of a suf- ficiently rapid way to recombine CO and 0, on ,eangh, The same problem seems to exist in regard to the Martian, atmosphere. The rate of photolysis of CO, on Mars by light of wavelength less than 1700 A is substantial. No good "inorganic" recombination mechanism has been proposed. Why then is the steady state not predominantly CO and 0, rather than C02? The main drawback of the CO cycle is that it would make use of onlyca small fraction of solar radiant energy (that part at < 1700 A). While it might, therefore be appropriate for primi- tive life forms, it should be overwhelmed by photosynthesis as conditions permit and the more sophisticated chemical machinery necessary evolves. I would be most interested in hearing of your views on this idea. Sincerely, Pils Blffpors, Richard Wolfgang Professor of Chemistry P. S. Please address me as above until June 15 Enclosures cc: Willard Libby Charles Barth RW:cl