Vegetation Control Divn. Fort Detrick, Md. 21701 '74 February 14 — Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics Stanford University, School of Medicine Palo Alto, Calif. 94304 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Dr. Dennis H, Rouvray, in his letter of Feb. 4th just received, reminded me of his task a year ago (both letter-copies enclosed), that he is “now putting the finishing touches to (his) review on isomer enumeration methods for Chemical Society Reviews," and expects "to be sending off the final draft in about three week's time." In my quick acknowledgment, I promised to send all information I could gather today-- but I think it more important to post you about his immediate need for all of your citations on the subject-- like the brilliant achievements Dennis Smith and Larry Masinter demonstrated in a 5600-mile terminal hookup at the NATO-CNA Advanced Study Institute near Amster- dam last June. Dr. Rouvray cited ten "Suggested Reading" references in his '72 Chemistry report on "The Mathematical Theory of Isomerism," (Vol. 45(2), 6-11, 1972), which alerted me to his interest, but he evidently was not aware of your work. This is the 100th Anniversary year of Arthur Cayley's 1874 paper, which ignited the whole problem, so I am rushing a chronological checklist of what I have on "STRUCTURE-COUNTING FUNCTIONS: A Century of Published and Unpublished Reports," for his formal review report, and for your shared interest. I hope this will stimulate more 3-way exchanges than we have enjoyed lately: While I am gathering old papers for Dr. Rouvray (while assembling the chronology), I am enclosing a matching set for you-- to discard or expand as you see fit! This is an update of the note-gathering encouragement you gave me in your letter of March 16, 1965. Verifying what I said 4 days earlier in 1965, "I will enjoy postal exchanges as swiftly as you care to continue." a Sincerely yours, cc: DHR Bill Wis Encl: DHR's '73 & '74 letters pi Wii A 7 Old notes on Struc-Countg F. Wm. J. Wiswesser as PS: I seem to have mis-field the little-known reference by R, A. Fisher that you gave me in your letter of March 16, 1965. You also cited "private communications from D, Barnett of University of Washington, and J. Bosak of Bratislava in your DENDRAL report. Anything worth quoting on them? ws - bed Anne stm ta ww Ger, | bun. Ergeriice Mo. ae Cg Repent aa COAG. to Voth. Stet ten, Wile (95D,