—— (Cy C THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN AUSTIN, TEXAS 78712 Department of Chemistry Clayton Foundation Biochemical Institute April 10, 1969 Thee: -t pert a, Jrwek . prion hfpar Mt } yt AA) GNAS CH Thanks for writing the excellent article for the Washington Post on the e Aarbany (~ ae j Vt te Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California 94304. Dear Dr. Lederberg: Jensen contribution to the Harvard Educational Review. This study of Jensen's I think is phenomenally sensible and worthwhile. Swe ITTIM I do not know how much interest you have in our recent armadillo work. I am sending you herewith an article which with slight modifications is to be published in the American Scientist this Spring. I noted with particular interest your strong comment about nutrition. — You may already have a copy but I am sending you a paperback NUTRITION Vere IN A NUTSHELL which gives a broader view of the subject than is usually presented, ua Sincerely yours, Roger JY Wilviams RJW: jn Enc. ‘ Ap got ep Cin are fe OTT eh LAr rs Aanrccreonpedll . dy “yb ot cour cer aA a G7 Ahy-r Wet © 79° Stee ord . . . . ’ ‘ . 3 . > 7 Is me oC tk temo tool > Be, se14 | fy Steet De Ae Lien | } | Lurk < yert scl fare 74 Of fens 4nd NF} . { Sr, . candy 2 €LI-7 Jrbeer c kd y \ ; ’ v ype A pans fd, 4 Jttserreaberur . Mave y