November 30, 1965 Dr. Jerome B. Weésner Dean, Faculty of Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Dear Jerry: You might have little difficulty in persuading me that I'm on the wrong track with the proposal enclosed - or more likely that it is unrealistic to work on the supposed accommodation. But it seema to me the United States could negotiate with the USSR precisely on the terms that a joint ao ABM program would (1) not impair the strategic deployment of the nuclear deterrent, 1.e., would preserve the stalemate; (2) stabilize the world situation vis a vis Chine and France; ~. (3) discourage them and other parties from costly but futile bomb-development programs of their own; % (4) give the major powers a defensive value they can offer as a token for the cooperation of their respective allies ‘in place of aggressive (deterrent) weapons. Your proposal to postpone the production of the ABM may have anticipated the need to settle these political issues, and on these grounds T would fully support it. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics