EE € DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20852 BUREAU OF HEALTH RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT January 23, 1975 Heidi Buxton Coordinator, Arthritis Program California Regional Medical Program | 7700 Edgewater Drive , Oakland, California 94621 Dear Heidi: As you requested, I am forwarding a copy of the "B" Workshop reports and recommendations. I have also enclosed a draft of my unders tand~ ing of the final, approved resolutions. Perhaps, with comparison with your notes accurate statements can be developed. I hope, at some reasonably early date, to have the typed transcript on the entire final plenary session. In the hope that they may also be of use to you, I have enclosed the summary (written) reports of the A Workshops. Yours truly, Matt Spear Public Health Advisor “Enclosures , >