S. Devine District 12 - Columbus OHIO STATE REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM The Ohio State Regional Medical Program is still in the planning Stages. A Program Coordinator has been appointed and an Advisory Group and Planning Committee are organized. The program is currently operating under a grant totalling $109,417. Dr. Neil C. Andrews, the Program Coordinator and Assistant Dean of the Ohio State University College of Medicine, and his staff have been concentrating their efforts on (1) informing the medical community and public about Regional Medical Programs and (2) conducting planning and feasibility studies. The latter include a study to evaluate the feasibi- lity of a cancer registry and planning for two-way television system for consultation and education. Twelve local community planning groups are being developed to assure grassroots participation. . More specific details on the Ohio State Regional Medical Program can be found in the following materials. ” DISTRICT 12-COLUMBUS OHIO STATE REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM REGION , Central and Southern 2/3 of Ohio (61 Counties excluding Metropolitan Cincinnati area) COORDINATING HEADQUARTERS Ohio State University College of Medicine STARTING DATE ‘April 1, 1967 FUNDING | Current Award: a, $109 ,417 Projected Next Year: $1,400,000 OPERATIONAL STATUS Anticipated in FY 1969 PROGRAM COORDINATOR 7 Dr. Neil C. Andrews Assistant Dean ADVISORY GROUP Chairman: Dr. Richard L. Meiling, Dean Membership: 26 (attached) Medical School Officials 8, Practicing Physicians 8, Hospital Administrators 8, Public Health Officials 2, Public Health Officials 2, Voluntary Health 2, Members of the Public 3, Dentists l. THE REGION Early in 1966, the Broad of Regents of the Ohio State University encouraged the University to propose and develop a Regional Medical Program for the area. The boundaries of the Region have been established but it is anticipated that they will need redefinition as this program and the bordering Regional Medical Programs develop. The Ohio State Regional Medical Program has held discussions with its neighboring Regional Medical Programs, including the Northeast (Cleveland) and the Northwest (Toledo) Ohio Regions, the Ohio Valley Region, (Cincinnati, Kentucky and parts of Indiana), and the Indiana Regional Medical Program. ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING On November 27, 1967 Dr. Neil C. Andrews was officially appointed Program Coordinator. He had been sexving as Acting Coordinator for the first seven months of the Program. Two additional full~time staff have been hired and several practicing physicians are serving in a part-time capacity. A core 15-man Planning Committee has been organized with membership drawa primarily from the medical school; additional members have recently been appointed » from athar alaomante af tha madAieral cammuinitv. y OHIO STATE -2- Three task forces in Cancer, Heart and Stroke have been organized with the Chairman of each coming from the College of Medicine. The members of the Program are planning that the Program Coordinator's activities will be supported by a functional organization consisting of teams providing specialized skills in heart disease, cancer, stroke and related diseases. INTER-INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS Cooperation and communications is an essential element in the success of the program. The Coordinator and his staff have made significant progress in opening channels of communications. They have visited and spoken with many of the county medical societies, voluntary health agencies and hospitals. The Ohio Hospital Association recently distributed to all Ohio Hospital Administrators the Newsletter of the Ohio State RMP encouraging its members to cooperate and become involved in the Program. Task Forces and Conferences are also being utilized to strengthen these relationships. SUBREGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Twelve local community planning groups will assist in identifying local needs and proposing projects to meet these needs. Three have been estadlished to date, chaired by practicing physicians from the local medical societies. These are in: Columbus, Marion, and Gallipolis. PLANNING ACTIVITIES The initial planning grant application proposed a number of planning studies. These include: (1) a survey of physicians and institutions to assess needs; (2) planning and developing demonstration units, including sophisticated electronic instrumentation for cardiovascular disease and cancer. The units ‘will be usedfor continuing education of physicians, nurses, and other health personnel. (3) evaluate the feasibility of a cancer registry; (4) study the potential value of a two-way TV system for consultation and education. ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PLANNING FOR REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN OHIO Chairman Dr. Richard L. Meiling Dean/College of Medicine Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Advisory Committee Members Dr. J. Norman Allen Director/Div. of Neurology Ohio State University Hospitals Columbus, Ohio Dr. Neil C. Andrews RMP Coordinator Asst. Dean/College of Medicine Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Dr. Emmett W. Arnold Director, Ohio Dept. of Health Columbus, Ohio Dr. Edwin H. Artman Physician Chillicothe, Ohio : Dr. Charles L. Blumstein Director of Medical Education and Director of Laboratories St. Rita's Hospital Lima, Ohio Mr. Richard A. Borel President, WBNS Radio and TV Columbus, Ohio Mr. Frank Brockmeyer International Representative United Auto Workers Columbus, Ohio Dr. Henry Crawford Past President, Ohio Medical Association leveland, Ohio Dr. Joseph Cross President, Central Ohio Heart Association Columbus, Ohio Dr. Keith DeVoe Member/Board of Trustees American Dental Association Columbus, Ohio Dr. Novice G. Fawcett President, The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Dr. Gordon E. Gifford Dermatologist Zanesville, Ohio Mr. Martin L. Hecht Vice-President for University Development Ohio University Athens, Ohio Dr. Charles H. Holzer, Jr. Physician/The Holzer Clinic Gallipolis, Ohio Dr. John E. Jesseph Prof. of Surgery/Ohio State University Hospitals Columbus, Ohio Dr. Theodore L. Light Physician/President-Elect Ohio State Medical Association Dayton, Ohio Dr. H. Sherman Manuel Physician Columbus, Ohio Dr. John D. Millett Chancellor/Ohio Board of Regents Columbus, Ohio Mr. Edward J. Moriarity Director/Ohio-Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Columbus, Ohio Dr. George Morris Physician/Past President of Ohio Heart Association Newark, Ohio Dr. Donald R. Newkirk Executive Director/Ohio Hospital Association Columbus, Ohio Dr. William Newton Pathologist/Ohio Cancer Coordinating Committee Columbus, Ohio Mr. Dean Phillips Director/Personnel and Public Relations North American Aviation Columbus, Ohio Dr. James V. Warren Chairman/Dept. of Medicine Ohio State University Hospitals Columbus, Ohio Dr. James O. Watson Osteopath/Member of Ohio State Medical Board Columbus, Ohio Chairmen of Task Forces Heart Dr. Robert Kirk Physician/Past President COHA Columbus, Ohio Cancer Dr. Stuart Roberts Professor of Surgery OSU College of Medicine Columbus, Ohio Stroke Dr. John Melvin Department of Physical Medicine OSU College of Medicine Columbus, Ohio