a OOO 1L9O#* ARTHRITIS AD HOC REVIEW COMMITTEE DIVISION OF REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS eo April 4, 1974 ANNETT, Ms. Phyllis C. San Francisco Nurses Association 1155 Pine Street San Francisco, California 94109 BAILEY, Joseph P., M.D. Associate Dean for Clinical Sciences Chief, Section of Rheumatology Medical College of Georgia Augusta, Georgia 30902 DONALDSON, William F., M.D. Clinical Prof. of Orthopedic Surgery _ University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine 128 N. Craig Street “Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213 ENGLEMAN, Ephraim P., M.D. ’ Clinical Prof. of Medicine and _ Head, Rheumatic Disease Group Univ. of California - Or: of Medicine San Francisco Medical Center 3rd and Parnassus Avenues San Francisco, California 94122 FEFFER, Henry L., M.D. - Professor of Orthopedic Surgery George Washington University Medical Center 2150 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. HASTINGS, Alicia E., M.D. Professor and Chairman Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Freedmans Hospital 6th and Bryant Street, N.W. Washington, D.C, 20001 KRALEWSKI, John E., Ph.D. Acting Chairman Department of Preventive Medicine and Comprehensive Health Box 2582 Oise of Colorado 200 E. Ninth Avenue Denver, Colorado 80220 LARSON, Carroll B., M.D. Professor of Orthopedic Surgery’ Childrens Hospital Iowa City, Iowa 52242 MASON, Roger D., M.D. (Chairman) Southwest Nebraska Medical Center 305 East Ist Street ; McCook, Nebraska 69001 SCHMID, Frank R., M.D. Chief, Section of Arthritis~-Connective Tissue Diseases Northwestern University Medical School 303 E. Chicago Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 SHULMAN, Lawrence E., M.D. Director — : Connective Tissue Division Department of Medicine Johns Hopkins University 942 Blalock Clinical Science Bldg. Baltimore, Maryland 21205 ‘SILVERSTEIN, Mrs. Frances §. Chief, Occupational Therapy Dept. Good Samaritan Hospital .6501 Loch Raven Blvd. Baltimore, Maryland 21239 WILSON, Mrs. Honora K. Coordinator of Education and Clinical Social Worker in Arthritis Rancho Los Amigos 7601 E. Imperial Highway Downey, California 90242 YARBOROUGH, Miss Patricia Assoc. Prof. of Physical Therapy School of Allied Health Science Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia 30303 EX-OFFICIO (MEMBER NACRMP) GRAMLICH, John B., M.D. 1616 East 19th Street Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001 DRMP-CMO