ina p OM ANG WELPARE . Psp iCis ISTRATION 20852 TH RESOURCES BUREAU OF HEA DEVELOP REGIONAL DIRECTORS RANTEES , . February 7, 1974 Order of Judge Thomas A. > of Hetional Association of Regional Medical the following actions are taken: RMES documents listed below are hereby rescinded: February 2, 1973, signed by Harold M.D., announcing the phaseout of the Pebruary 22, 1973, signed by Harold M.D., refining and clarifying the gram and specifying requirements for Q~ Telegram of July 5, 1973, signed by Herbert EB. Pahl, Ph.D., concerning RMps support through September 30, 1973, and limitations on expendi- ture of the awarded $6.9 million Fiscal Year 1973 balance; Letter of September 7, 1973, signed by Herbert B. Pahl, Ph.D., specifying BMPS application instruc- tions for Fiscal Year 1974; written communications stating or implying he amount of Federal funds avallable for nenditure under Title Ix of the Health Service Act are less than the full unt appropriated or otherwise made available by Congress for Fiscal Years 1973 and 1974; , a Ad LOe comaunications or portions ary to the letter or intent of the Court ox implied, the { to the five wpriority 1973 st sinded. ase mracen il tenet “nk approved bY Council on May Jl, is reinstated. on dune 30, 1971 scission changes awarded grant, or the onditions of any contrac Lavisory Council~recommended condition , Regional Medical Programs May exer~ “in interpreting t applying the above sre there is stantial @oubt with respect to the ability of these in spec sifie cases, the Regions tor, Division of Regional Medical Nothing in this or budget panied © cise reasonasl instructions. meaning or 4¢ are expected te contact the Dire Programs for necessary clarification. ete F.