04H DEPARTMENT OF COMTI ACY bro. iW HEGLTH, COUCATION, ANG WELFARE URA 240-7 50072 pase __ort*. pases a ~ NEGOTIATED PURSUANT TO TYPE OF CONTRACT RECOTIATED CONTRACT _ , nome Cost-Plus-Fixed 41 USC 252(¢) (10) Fee fSSUiING OPFICE 7 CONTRACT Far Health Resources Administration Program Development in Health 5600 Fishers Lane - . Resources Development Rockville, Maryland 20852 CONTRACTOR (fame and Address) : ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA a 753/50712 . Cambridge Research Institute 57776111 (REP HRA 230-CHP~18(5)) 15 Mount Auburn Street - 5-63035 tambridge, Massachusetts 02138 25.32 ane Cambridge, Mas . |UEN:” 04-240-1997 PLACE OF PERFORMANCE CONTRACT AMOUNT Figt Cost S210 3260.09 : , _ Fixed Fee $ 14 .720.0 Cambridge, Massachusetts . Fixed ES ee orhttae OO MATL VOUCHERS TO or SPONSOR Division of Comprehensive Health Planning SEE ARTICLE X EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE October 18, 1974 SEE ARTICLE IIL oN TS CONTRACTOR REPR 1. That af is, i} is not, a small business concern. Jf he is a small business concern and is nor the manufacturer of the supplies to be furnished hercunder, he also represents that al! such supplies (~ | will, {_] will not, be manufectured or produced by a small business concern in the United States, its possessions, or Puerto Rico. (A small business coacerm ‘for-the purpose of Goveramert procurement is a concern, including its affiliates, which is independently owned and oper ated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is contracting and can further.qualify under the criteria con- ceining oumber of employees, average annual receipts, of other criteria, as prescribed by the Smal! Business Administra- lion.) (See Code of Federai Regulations, Title 13, Part 121, as amended, which contains detailed definitions and cre- Jaied procedures.) : 2, That itis a{”| REGULAR DEALER IN,{~} MANUFACTURER OF, the supplies covered hy this contract ‘ 3. That it is as [J INDIVIDUAL, CISTATE OR LOCAL AGENCY, [| PARTNERSHIY, ("| JOINT VENTURE, [| NOn- PROFIT, (_] EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION, [1] CORPORATION organized and existing under the laws of the state of ‘The Contractor agrees to furnish and deliver aJl supplies and perform all the services set forth in the attached Special Provisrons, for the consideracion stated herein. The sights and obligations of the parties to this contract shall be subject to and governed by the Special Provisions and the General Provisions. To the extent of any inconsistency beween the Specia! Provisions or the General Provisions and any specifications oc other provisions which are made a part of this contract, by tefecence or otherwise, the Snecial Provisions and the General Provisions shall control. To the extent of any inconsistency between the Special Provisions and the General Provisions, the Special Provisions shall control. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pasties hereto have execated this contract on the day and year jast specified below. é UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NAME OF CONTRACTOR - e ‘ BY | py {s/f Vincent J. Falcinelli SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIS ED INDIVIDUAL : SIGNATURE GF CONTRACTING OFFICER | oe Vincent J. Falcinelli Contracting Officer Le 10 ew lhe, et seheiestemtnt’ meme ep eny ematn :Ien DA TE | HRA 230-75-00/2 © *fUIS CONTRACT CONSISTS OF: 8 1. COVER PAGE PHS 4910-1 2. CONTENTS OF CONTRACT PHS 4910-2 3. SPECIAL PROVISIONS PHs-4910-3 ARTICLE I ARTICLE II ~ ARTICLE III ARTICLE IV ARTICLE V - ARTICLE VI “ARTICLE VII “ARTICLE VIII - ARTICLE IX. ARTICLE X-. ARTICLE XI 8 ARTICLE XII ARTICLE XIII. DESCRIPTION AND ‘SCOPE OF. WORK ARTICLES OR SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED AND DELIVERY TIME RESPONSIBILITIES OF PROJECT OFFICER DESICNATION OF PROJECT DIRECTOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. oc. ccc ccc cece eee ete te NOTICE TO GOVERNMENT OF DELAYS ‘COMPETITION IN SUBCONTRACTING FEDERAL REPORTS ACT COMPENSATION | Sooty SUBMISSION OF INVOICES AND PLACE OF PAYMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT | | PRINTING INCORPORATION OF CONTRACTOR’ S PROPOSAL ARTICLE XIV _ HEW CONTRACT FINANCIAL REPORTING ARTICLE XV COST AND PRICING DATA PROVISIONS ARTICLE XVI EMPLOYMENT OF QUALIFIED HANDICAPPED PERSONS UNDER FEDERAL oT CONTRACTS ARTICLE XVII ' KEY PERSONNEL ARTICLE XVIII. - FORMALIZATION ° ¢ wt ‘ . - wo . . * : . . , . . -, . . . ~ ; 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS, HEW FORM___316 = (rev. 7/72_ynecotiaTep Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee Type Contract > : ws i i { bos J pm i t ' a BO 7 a al : pot nar gLEP CRS sc — Go CG spose oa cee oh pss POSNT? CG ‘ gn rem aes Sb PCOS resour * SPECIAL PROVI. .NS CONTRACT NO, HRA 230-75-0072 _ pace 4 of Ll Paces Meet with the Project Officer monthly to evaluate progress of the contract and to remedy deficiencies as identified. Furnish the Project Officer a detailed final report outlining the following at a minimum: a. b. C. d. e. Furnish the Project Officer an executive summary (not Plan for organizational development Description of methodologies employed Training programs developed Assessment of training conducted - Recommendations for future training activities of the final report. to exceed 15 pages ) CONTRACT NO. SPECIAL PROVISIONS HRA 230-75-0072 . 5 or LLL PAGES PAGE 8 Article II - Articles or Services to be Furnished and Delivery Time The Contractor shall submit to the Project Officer, Division of Comprehensive Health Planning, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20852 the following items in the quantities and during the time periods listed below: In addition he shall send two copies of the final report to the Contracting Officer Contract Operations Branch, DGPM, Helath Resources Administration. Item: . Description — Ll. Preliminary Review ' of Strategic Plan (II.B.2) 2 : Final Review of Strategic .. Plan and Plan for Organizational - Development ‘ 8 30 . Training seminars (11.8.3) 4 Report on mechanism to articulate and develop the state of the art ‘(11.B.5) “5 Final report (11.B.7) 6. Executive Summary (II.B.5) 7 Quantity 15 15 15 15 15 Delivery . Three (3) months from the éffective date of. the contract — Six (6) months from the effective date of the contract . Completed by the end of the eleventh (11th) months from the effective date of the contract Eleven (11) months from the effective date of the contract Twelve (12) months from the effective date of the contract Twelve (12) months. from the effective date of the contract ¢ ” e “Con THA YT No, . LI SPECIAL PROVISIOHS HRA 230-75--0072 | [PAGE OF LU PAGes “8 ARTICLE LIT - RESPONSIBILITIES OF PROJECT OFFICER ~ The responsibility of the Project Officer (or his duly authorized representative). Is te ensure that the Government's technical objectives are met.. Yo this end the Project Officer will provide necessary information, direction, coordination, et cetera, within the contractual work description. Accordingly, issuance of changes which affect the articles, terms ar conditions of this contract will be accomplished through the Contracting Officer who is the only party authorized to bind the Governaent. The Project Officer will be designated in the letter transmitting the contract. The designation of any necessary successor to the Project Officer will be provided in writing by the Contracting Officer. ARTICLE IV ~ DESIGNATION OF PROJECT DIRECTOR | . The person identified below is confirmed to be the Project Director acting on behalf of the Contractor. In this capacity the ‘Project Director shall direct the necessary work and services toward fulfillment of the contractual reguire~ > ments. The Government reserves the right to approve any necessary successor to the Project Director. os Project Director: | James B. Webber . ARTICLE V - REVIEW AND APPROVAL Review and approval of the over-all performance of this contract is the responsi- bility of the Contracting Officer. Unless otherwise stated in writing, the @prroject Officer is delegated the authority to accept or reject items delivered: under the contract following necessary review. Acceptance shall be effected in the manner described in this contract, otherwise as directed by the Contracting Officer. ; , ARTICLE VI - NOTICE TO GOVERNNENT OF DELAYS Whenever the Contractor has knowledge that any actual or potential situation is delaying or threatens to dclay the timely performance of this contract, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Contracting Officer and provide all ee nn relevant information with respect thereto, ARTICLE Vil - COMPETITION IN SUBCONTRACTIN The Contractor agrees to select subcontractors on a competitive basis to the | Maximum practical extent consistent with the objectives and requirements of ~ the contract. ~ . ARTICLE VILI ~ FEDERAL REPORTS ACT In the event that it subsequently becomes a contractual requirement to collect identical information from 10 or more public respondents, the Federal Reports Act ‘ shall apply te this contract and the Contractor shall obtain through the Project Officer the required OMB clearance. EW will obtain office of Management and Budget approval and notify the Contractor. No funds will be expended or any ontracts made for the collection of data from public respondents until such ritten notice is given by the Contracting Officer. ‘aetauas wet ce te FLOe % OGY co cag ld eric tea ee i ON Le x ao r ai be I 3 a fe oe cD “4 Se eet ue ad 2 re : é vo ~ a us “ OV C on ~ A ~ i te CONTRACT ya, ‘ 4 SPECIAL PROVISIONS BA 230-75-0072 PAGE OF PAGES . * 4, Travel and subsistence expenses exclusively in direct performance of this contract. The Contractor shall be reiwbursed for transpor- tation costs and travel allowances in accordance with the established policy of the Contractor, but subject to the following limitations: (a) Such transportation cost shall not be reimbursed in an amount greater than the cost of first class rail or of economy air travel, unless economy air travel and economy air travel space are not available and the Contractor certifies to the facts in the voucher or other documents submitted for reimbursement. Travel allowances (per diem) shall be reimbursed in accordance with the Contractors established policy, but in no event shall such allowances exceed $35 per day. , (b) The Contractor shall be reimbursed for the cost of travel performed by its personnel in their privately-owned automobile at the rate of 15 cents per mile, not to exceed the cost by the most direct economy air route between the points so traveled. If more than one person travels in such automobile, no additional , charge will be made by the Contractor for such travel between such points... E. Prior Authorization of Certain Direct Costs 1. Purchase Orders and Subcontracts: ‘Requirements for purchase orders and subcontracts are governed by Clause 10 of the General Provisions except as may be indicated herein. 2.. The Contractor shall not incur any of the following costs without. ' the prior written approval of the Contracting Officer. Incurrence of such costs with the intent of claiming reimbursement as direct costs under this contract shall be at the Contractor's own risk, if without such prior written authorization: (a) Purchase or rental of any item of equipment including furniture or office equipment regardless of cost. (b) Any rental agreement for real or personal property, or any term contract for maintenance. (c) Travel for general scientific meetings. (d) Rearrangement, alteration or relocation of facilities. Gar be be i Mite A SPECIAL PROVISIONS HRA 230-75-0072 LT oace 9. oF 22 pases Indirect Costs The allowable indirect costs under this contract shall be established in accordance with the procedure set forth in Clause 5 of the General Provisions entitled "Negotiated Overhead Rates", t Beginning on the effective date of this contract, indirect costs shall be reimbursed at the provisional rate of 135% of the (direct salaries and wages) (indirect costs) chargeable to this contract. In no event shall the final indixect cost rate exceed 135% of direct salaries and wages. Special Cost Provision ' Costs of the Contractor's independent résearch and development shall not be allowable under this contract. ARTICLE X -- SUBMISSION OF INVOICES AND PLACE OF PAYMENT A. Once each month following the effective date of this contract, the Contractor may submit to the Government an invoice (or, public voucher) for payment in accordance with Clause 4, "Allowable Cost and Fixed Fee” of the General Provisions. Invoices shall be prepared in accordance with the The | B. "Billing Instructions" attached hereto and made a part of this contract. Government shall make provisional payments on all invoices pending completion of a final audit of the Contractor's cost records. To expedite payment, invoices shall be sent as follows: 1. Monthly invoices (original and four (4) copies) shall be sent per the billing instructions directly to the Paying Office below. (Where applicable the Contractor shall submit the invoice to said Paying Office via the cognizant Government auditor): - Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Service Parklawn Building - Paying Office - Room 16-23 5600 Fishers Lane ‘ Rockville, Maryland 20852 . 2. One (1) copy of all invoices shall be forwarded to the Project Officer and must be clearly marked ADVANCE COPY FOR INFORMATION ONLY. : Net i i 43 & a Ase Oya Fr ‘fal AMC © nl Sal } t 1D LO 28 y ‘ OMY AO } ye OE Pe WE 0 Att ey a CONTRACT NO. SPECIAL PROVISIONS = HRA 230-75-0072 J paceLl__ or LL. paces + 8 ARTICLE XV - COST AND PRICING DATA PROVISIONS With reference to the Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data executed for this contract the following annexes are attached to this contract and made a part hereof: - ANNEX 1 — PRICE REDUCTION FOR DEFECTIVE COST OR PRICING DATA a ANNEX .2.~ PRICE REDUCTION FOR DEFECTIVE COST OR PRICING DATA - - PRICE ADJUSTMENTS — ANNEX 3 - AUDIT AND RECORDS ANNEX 4 - AUDIT ANNEX 5 - AUDIT - PRICE ADJUSTMENTS roe _ ANNEX 6 — SUBCONTRACTOR COST AND PRICING DATA ANNEX 7 - SUBCONTRACTOR COST AND PRICING DATA - PRICE ADJUSTMENTS 7 ANNEX .8 - SUBCONTRACTOR COST AND PRICING DATA - PRICE ADJUSTMENTS ARTICLE XVI - EMPLOYMENT OF QUALIFIED HANDICAPPED PERSONS UNDER. FEDERAL CONTRACTS 8 In accordance with Section 503 of Public Law 93-112, the contractor agrees 7. during the performance of this contract that he shall take affirmative | action to employ, and advance in employment, qualified handicapped individuals as defined in Section 7 (6) of the Act. The contractor further agrees that the provisions of this clause shall be included in all subcontracts in excess of $2,500, of any tier, which are entered into to carry out the purposes of this contract. ARTICLE XVII -_KEY PERSONNEL In accordance with the clause of the General Provisions called Key Personnel, the following individuals are identified. NAME Oo TITLE : eo Jack Glover 7 Director — _- . Jean Zuckert Director ~ ARTICLE XVIII- FORMALIZATION | | | This instrument reflects the entire agreement between the Gévernment and the Contractor. Said instrument is the understanding of the parttes with regard to their respective rights and duties under the contract and formalizes the Government's:-Notice of Award dated October 17, 1974 and the Contractor's acceptance thereof dated October 18, 1974.