RADRAA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE ME MORAND UM PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE TO FROM SUBJECT: HEALTIT RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF HEALTH RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Health Resources Planning Executive DATE: November 18, 1974 Staff Acting Associate Director for Health Resources Planning Health Resources Planning To assist us as we develop a detailed program for the development of Health Resources Planning, we have retained the services of Cambridge Research Institute (CRI}. CRI's professional staff and associate faculty consultants will be working with us in the further develop- ment of our plans and organization as well as conducting training ‘sessions for current and future staff personnel. In addition, CRI is to develop mechanisms and training programs designed to articulate the "state-of-the-art" of health planning. The co-directors of the CRI program with us are: Dr. Eoin W. Trevelyan of the Harvard Business School and James B. Webber, Director of CRI. In the next few weeks, the CRI team will be meeting with various HRP personnel. Two CRI associates who will be meeting with you are: Carl Thieme and Martha A. Dula. I hope you will give all the members.of CRI any assistance they might require. merece Eugene J. Rubel cc: Dr. Endicott Dr. Trevelyan Mr. Webber