MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF HEALTH RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT "e@ acting Associate Adainistrator DATE: . for Communications, HA FROM =: Acting Information Officer, BRD ; ; . : SUBJECT: weekly Activities Report . . . “ a O24 The Division of Associated Health Professions to the Association of University Provracs in deterine tie WABILT COT, ele, TO onents of jracuate project will try that reguire knowledge of the identify such courses offered most relevant to the training 496-6011) ms vurse Practitioners, Terms & trainiucs program Practitioner, én rer zine refun Cosi. sanity ¥ 259.955 Contract #varded to Stucy healers 2PG;,,0oih co ideanticy th heaith ance currencly arc of health Tonics 9= stp pe Yted by Services has avarded a $292,259 contract Teolth Adimi .tior, eeniorad scie nealin nce avprouriate * % a are ee aoe rot. 7 me pe, tae iv dealib. SéYvieces wotiristretioi.. 4nE sy .ewmOTies: a. tes ss aoe . 2 Soa taad we o « Funeitilors of realth services acrinistralors sehavioral sciences. it also will speciiv tee curriculur corponerts services administrators. (Frank Sis Arcicis . 4 gevelop a roc ao 3. Mursinsg to ceserivec im a recent issue of title, "Comunity Nurse gticipatins in this graduate , Of Tees Setool of PuLllic Naaltn as Lowy unigatlo ncifvy such pro lens rates, te abuse ana poor nutrition anc sanitation, tue article reported. ‘ orig Zloch of the wivision's Jursine teseare: 3ranen contrivute) the featured artiele in “urging Outlook for hove.ler i:74. cer paver, "Some Crucial Yerr:s in Sursiig: wiat vo Tuey Neally lec?" cails or the nursir:, vrofession to evolu inerecise usage of suci teraus as assessnect, diasnosis, ang proLler.. (Frank Sis 496-6011) _ivkansas, “iontana Sospitais Visitec . . . . ’ . trivision of Facilities Utilization staff visited tL and Hontana during Viovenler to education, nouselkeeping concerned the first and only Pu practices, aud infection control. bite a? ob. hospitals in Aransas. on patient aria inservice The i-outana visit education st sive consultation Healt: Service patient naring €guonstration sroject ir the United States. Three hospitals, to in Pillings ang the other in Stillwater, are enzaged in showing that patient ecucation can be Sluared aaon;, hospitals. fut Aiciares, UPL Jeting Desuty Director, is proj ect director. ‘6peratine rooms. The prograts were held in Casper, Vyomings Columbus, ‘Ghio; “ € > > > Pace ~ 2 - Weekly Activities Report Staff also served as speakers or program coordinators at five seminars, two of | which the Division cosponsored with Stete and local Realth orsanizations. Subjects discussed by the staff included central service wanagenent, drug actiinistration and distribution systeas, environiental safety anu patient care, patient education, infection control, aaa controlling airzorme Lacteria in Ney Discayne, Florida; Washington, L.C.3 and San Antonio, Texes. (is. Dearman -” é 26-6011) , 7 (itnear M) Sl [ Jeu Sie Aarian w..Sybor