UW | Hl Mt) Oce #EQOOG oe ee EMORANDUM | DEPARTMENT OF A Ep gincg ND WELFARE HEALTH RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF HEALTH PLANNING AND © RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT JECT: Health Planning and Resources Development pate: April 29, 1975 Interim Planning Staff t Howard B. Kelly al bik f Summary of April 28 Staff Meeting Dr. Rorrie reviewed the progress of the Intradepartmental Steering Committee in developing strategies concerning National Guidelines for Health Planning, the National Council on Health Planning and Develop- ment, and rate regulation demonstrations. Mr. Croft reported that Mr. Ed Steffee has replaced Dr. Whiteside as. Associate Administrator for Operations and Management, HRA. Mr. Steffee comes to HRA from the Food and Drug Administration. The approved Bureau organization description has been sent to the Federal Register. Letters are being sent to the concerned Congressional commit tees. The House Appropriations Subcommittee held a hearing last Wednesday on our FY 1976 budget request. However, attendance was poor due to unrelated floor debate and other actions taking place at the time of the hearing. As of our meeting, the Senate had not yet completed a mark-up on our FY 1975 supplemental budget request. Mr. Peterson identified the individuals who have agreed to serve as members of the ad hoc review panel for area designation. These are: Mr. Groschelle, Dr. Johnson, Dr. Ellis, Dr. Weinstein, Dr. Dean, Dr. Altman, Dr. Cain, and Mr. Zwick. One additional central office space on the panel remains to be filled. Mr. Croft explained that formal details and mass change actions for many of ovr existing staff will start as early as May 1. Changes in office assignments will be initiated shortly thereafter. Mr. Henson explained that the EEO Conference to be held May 7-9 at the Dulles Marriott will be a residential conference. Invitations will be sent to selected staff later this week. Chuck also reminded us that the first quarterly EEO reports were due this month (ACTION). HP&RD Interim Planning STaff . 2 Dr. Graning reported that a particular reclassification action being proposed in a Regional Office had serious implications for other Regions. Dr. Lindsay explained that this was a widespread problem. It is weaken- ing morale and reducing our ability to operate effectively. Mr. Baum announced that the National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs is scheduled to meet June 11-12. He also announced that NARMP had issued an open invitation to its May 5-7 meeting in Atlanta. Senator Stevens, Mr. Hastings, Dr. Cooper, Mr. Rubel, and Mr. Gardell are among: those who have been invited to speak. Mr. Kelly reported that our multi-year implementation plan was now scheduled to be discussed in detail with the Secretary at the next PHS mini-management conference on May 20. This means that ASH must forward a final plan to OS no later than May 13. Certain sections of our draft plan could be improved between now and then, and Nick suggested that he would meet with those responsible to discuss potential improvement s+ (ACTION). Dr. Pinkerson requested that staff involve him in any proposed procurements which could benefit from medical involvement. Mr. Crane announced that there will be a meeting with outside parties on May 12-13 to discuss the strategy for Planning Methods and Technology. Mr. Stiles briefly summarized the meeting last Tuesday with staff from ‘yarious PHS components concerned with review and approval issues. Mr. Croft requested that any comments on the Area Health Services Development Fund issue paper be submitted to him by this Friday (ACTION). ec: Frances Dearman Lyman VanNostrand Don Young Dr. Bob Lindsay Dr. Verna Cook Robert Johnson Pereta Balian Dr. David Johnson (Reg. X) Dr. E. Frank Ellis (Reg. V)