wun AGENDA FOR SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER MEETINGS Purpose of Meetings . ‘ 1. Impart information about HRP implementation to agency representatives, 2. Receive inputs and feedback from them as to substantive problems and issues, practical considerations, etc, Tone of Meetings ' 1. Need to learn from past success and failures of all programs, incorporate these lessons and their strengths in new program and second-generation Pplanning-implementation-regulatory agencies, 2. These will be new agencies, restructured and hopefully revitalized, and not simply successors to CHP. , 3. Set realistic expectations. 4. Be careful not to appear to be upstaging Governors, meetings with State officials. . Content of Meetings 1. Standard. 2. Variations on a theme. 3. Quite flexible. Format 1. Plenary sessions 2. Small group sessions: by (a) State, (tb) agencies, or (c) mixed. 3. Panels. | Speakers and Discussants 1. Rubel and other program directors. 2. Other "insiders" (e.g., Margulies) 3. Agency representatives (e.g., Larry Newall). 4. Interest representatives and other "outsiders" (e.g., Bob Sigmond, Irv Lewis). : Attendance 1. CHP, Hill-Burton and RMP répreséntatives; also ARC at Washington meeting. RO: who and how many? CO: who and how many? Other. Planning Aspects l. 2. 3. Development of agenda and program arrangements. Logistical and physical arrangements (Gilmer). Contingency arrangements in the event passage of HRP legislations appears quite unlikely by mid-September for whatever reasons. Assistance with Agenda and Program Executive staff. RO involvement and inputs. Local agency (CHP. Hill-Burton, RMP} involveinent and inputs. Outside assistance (e.g., AACHP, Ed Fuedlancer). Social Aspects 1. 2. Luncheons and/or dinner Social hour.