now DEPARTHERT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, ARD BEEP ARE KA COT fi ii 4 Ln Po Le EU VETS ARE NEEM oe “ | RRSERRRRARIOER Public Health Service - Region I] ro: fir, Eugene Rubel part; August 5, 1974 Director, Division of CHP dot | mow: George C. Gardiner, HD. oN : Regional Health Adainistrator (gu? } suBject: Pronosed Task for Implenenting lik Legislation yer Thank you for the opportunity to forrally review the dreft work pron for inplenentation of the health resources plenning egislation requested in your duly 22, 1274 letter. 1 eoree vholeheartedly with your desire to ork together fn the critical “areas of program development. fy staff has revived the proposals {n detail and we have discussed that we feel are positive approaches to the entire proposed craft work pragrem which you - have given us. Uitle we note that in your letter you requested thet we refrain fron the we/they dictotony ee are concerned about the heavy centralization aspects that are not only suggested but are thorouohly frolictt throughout the draft, proposed. Such drafts make the iseue of the dichatocy one thet cannot be avotded tn terns of our response. It 45 clearly obvious that your staff hes not quite percetved that the role of the regional office is an integral part of the adninistration of the propesed program. he need | fo state some concern that the KAP legislation will raise the specter of recentrel ization fully, To avotd this ve vould like to state our concern about what seratices is explicit end sonstings (¢ dnolict, in your description of the Mott hand most colua in the kork proarem describing the responsibilities ag assioned esther to Regtonel Orfice or Central Office, Taken as a vhole it describes no clear regional office role throughout the draft docunent. Only one assigrsant ts solely in the purview : of the regional office, I-know that this is not a suggestion 7 that you had either (rolted or explicitly tanted to relay tn material that you have sent us. : At the sma tine, we find with a oreat deal of concern many tf not most of the present role, relettonshtps end duties of the regional staffs relegated either solely to central office ie or in conjunction with it. ss ke welcoze a close cooperative programmatic relationship with DCHP Central Office. We would also welcone a better and nore equitable allocation of responsibility and relationships to the resources we have, The staff of HRP 1s proposed to be approximately equally divided between central office and the reotons, Yet ee see no consonant distribution of the work losd. To accosplish a gare equitable distribution, we suggest a redrafting of the HO -025 objectives to reflect a better definition of the rote of the regional offices. | ; Under separate cover we are giving spectfics to that involvenent which 1 trust your staff will take into consideration, However, because individually they may be subject to discusston, we would volunteer 2-4 man days of staff tie fron this regtonal office to clarify the issues therein described on the role of the regional office visea-vis what needs to be done fron our point of view. Should you accept our offer, ve would be ald to serve as focal nofnts for input from other regions and RHA's. If you do accept, please contact Dr. 2. E. Farag, Director of the Diviston of Health Resources bevelopnent. | - Yo feel keenly that the hypothesis under which ve labored that what went wrong was due to mechanical flaws in the tratenentation of the CHP program is only partially correct. There ts still a great need to dafine national policy issues on substantive concerns, on narrowing the focus of the agency's mission, of the need to ald the agencies as they develop nethodolagically sound reans of assessing the area need and describe the nature and scope of the systen's future, and the need to appropriately amalgamate those plans in state and subnational gays. Ue vould Tike to be involved in these activittes as well as those desertbed in your work plan, end we hope that the natton's supply of staf¢ can ba so divided as to equitably and effectively marshall the resources to get the Job done for this irportant program, oT anne a “y