ney De NoTE.—DO NOT USE THIS ROUTE SLIP To SHOW FORMAL CLEARANCES OR APPROVALS DATE Ele SL2y a DD hea Godele VAC MOL C] APPROVAL OO aeviEw C PER CONVERSATION [-) SIGNATURE [J NOTE AND SEE ME [J AS REQUESTED -- C) COMMENT (O NOTE AND RETURN ([) NECESSARY ACTION (] FOR YOUR INFORMATION (PREPARE REPLY FOR SIGNATURE OF REMARKS: (Fold here for return) tr Pf 7 é ~ From 2 OLE BUILDING 1 § Gb VP SE Forw HEW-S0. Rev. 11/56 ROUTE SLIP GPO ; 1973 O - 517-326 MEMOR ANDUM DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE TO FROM SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE oc HEALTH RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF HEALTH RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Acting Director, DRMP DATE: August 28, 1974 Acting Chief, GM Policy Manual We are in the process of revising the booklet entitled, Guidelines and Information for Assisting RMPs in Phasing Out RMPS Support. Tom Simonds has been assigned the responsibility and will be the author. The purpose for the proposed revision is two-fold. First, some of the policy statements contained in it require changes to make. them more accurate or clearer and there is also a need for additional policies. Secondly, we would endeavor to prepare a manual which could be used by the emerging health organization or at least serve as a solid basis for operating during the transition period. As the new organization develops and matures, a policy manual tailored to it will probably be required; however, the one we are developing should offer the framework on which to build it. Therefore, we are beginning by editing the existing "phase-out manual" and making the necessary changes. We will then develop new policies on a variety of subjects. Some of these are: Loan of excess property to grantees Compensation for part~time federal employees Reimbursement for advisory group members ‘ Discretionary funding We will then introduce additional sections which are not necessarily policy in nature but which would assist grantees - particularly new ones ~ in the management of government grants. These will cover topics which have proven to be troublesome to new and unsophisti- cated grantees and, in fact, to some not so new, who consider themselves to be experienced. The existing "phase-out manual" has been well received by the RMPs generally and acclaimed by some as the most useful document pro- duced by DRMP. We are of the opinion that building on this to produce a more timely manual should be equally well received by and useful to the new organizations which will replace RMP and CHP. [It should alsc be beneficial in avoiding problems for new and inexperienced grantees. Page 2 - Acting Director, DRMP There is attached for your information an outline of the manual we will develop. We would appreciate any thoughts you may have for topics to be included. e OY aes 6 Lects ( Lee Teets Attachment ec: Acting Deputy Director, DRMP Preface A. Broad description of organization 1. Mission 2. Responsibilities. a. Grants ‘b. Grantees I. Introduction A. Composition of Manual (general statement) B. Documents grantee should have access to and where obtained. 1. CFR 2. Fed-Register 3. Grants Administration Manual . C. Order of Precedence of policies in event of conflict 1. Fed. legislation 2. Fed. Regulations 3. DHEW Grants Administration Manual 4, Policies in this manual Il. Funding and Application A. Funding determination based on approval B. Notice of Grant Award (general and brief statement) Cc. Continuation 1. Application D. Unobligated Balances 1. ROE 2. Treatment of unobligated balances a. Offset b. Carryover c. Refund III. Costs A. General statement regarding direct and indirect costs B. Grantee responsibilities C. Direct costs 1. Definition 2. Identify and explain each a. Identify pertinent DHEW Grants Administration Manual Chapter. 3. Add policy on air conditioning being considered as a utility cost D. Indirect Costs 1. Applicable cost Principle and Procedures a. Brochures available describing procedure for computing IV. Payment A. Monthly Cash Request B. Letter of Credit C. Reimbursement by Treasury Check Page VI. VII. Grant Related Income Equipment Accountability A. Loan of excess property to grantees Contracting by Grantee