yp NOTE.—DO NOT USE THIS ROUTE SLIP TO SHOW FORMAL CLEARANCES OR APPROVALS DATE TO: AGENCY BLOG. ROOM ne / | Gacy Se 1) * C) APPROVAL 0 REVIEW (CD PER CONVERSATION (2) SIGNATURE [0 NOTE AND SEE ME (() AS REQUESTED [) COMMENT [] NOTE AND RETURN (() NECESSARY ACTION (J FOR YOUR INFORMATION (1) PREPARE REPLY FOR SIGNATURE OF REMARKS: ' (Fold here for return) Form HEW-30 Rev. (1/6 ROUTE SLIP GPO: le73 © ~ 517-324 "RE ATES SP ATOD MSI fORANDUM EPA ISN FROM SUBJECT: TTENDEES : AE 3 ‘ALEPH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE “HEALTH SERVICH * ES ADMINISTRATION MULEAL OF EDALTIL RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Acting Deputy Director DATE: October 7, 1974 Division of Regional Medical Frograms Acting Chief Grants Management Record of Meeting Concerning RMP Phase Out, Friday Gctover 4, 3-5:00 p.m. Mr. Tony Garrick ~ HRA, Grants and Contracts my. doe Amoroso - HRA, Grants and Contracts My. Ted Moore - H, Grants and Contracts Ms. Marsha Dungan - CHP G. Lee Teets - DRMP, Grants Management The announced purpose of this meeting was to help Mr. Ted Moore identify the problems involved in the granting programs phase out. He has the specific task to: “Assess Problems Involved in Phase Out and Take Action As Necessary. " Apparently, Mr. Moore's charge and this meeting emanate from a series uf memoranda related to FY 1975 Work Plans. Attached are copies of all three memoranda. There was, from the outset, quite a bit of confusion due to @ lack of a mutual understanding of the words "ohase out", “termination™, ond "close-out." Having finally decided that acequate instructions exist with regard to grant terminations and close-out, the focus of this meeting became that of relating to problems attendant to phase out. The following problem areas were identified by the under signed to fur- ther the purpose of this meeting and for subsequent appropriate action by the Cffices of Grants and Contracts at both the H and HRA levels: e RMP Program Staffs terminate dune 30, 1975 but some Projects will perhaps, continue on to June 30, 197 G. @ DHEW policy allows transfer of title and accountability of equipment from Grantees to Affiliated Institutions upon completion of RMP funding. c -ablished between Affiliates and whatever Se¢i Federal government ultimat c and fiscal monitoriag and $ one { - Direct linkaga must be responsibie for programac ance of Projects upon the damise of the Program SLeé Page 2 - Acting Deputy Director e Obligation/De-Obligation of funds grantee awarded for project activities may become a problem in.the establishment of re- sponsibility linkages. @ Reports of Expenditures (ROEs) and Summary Reports of Expendi- tures (SROEs) will have to be processed. e Severance Pay policy must be announced - not as to its allowability as a direct cost - but as to the last date when a program is phasing out such a policy can be developed. e Contingency funding must be allowed in grant programs which are phasing out to accommodate costs related to breaking leases, paying of severance pay, etc. (OMB Circular A-21 prohibits contingency funds). Source of funds to accommodate such costs at the Federal level should be determined when contingency funds are not allowed. e Pay systems must be carefully analyzed and appropriate procedures established to provide continuity of reimbursement. @ Policies and procedures need be developed for programs which are phasing out related to funding determinations and allocations. Phasing out programs do not have the ability to meet indirect cost needs subsequent to the final allocation of available funds. RMP response to this problem was to move to a system of allo- cating total funds to accommodate both direct and indirect requirements. e Administrative funding adjustments in a phasing out program cannot be made since there are no more funds available. Sources of Federal funding need be explored and identified. Mr. Moore stated that he felt that this meeting was helpful in that it provided a means of drawing up a "laundry list" of problems which he can assess and perhaps provide HRA and its granting programs some assistance in solving. Further, he indicated that perhaps another meeting or so would be required prior to his being able to offer any definitive solution to the problems. No date was set for the next meeting. I explained to Mr. Moore that I was willing to attend further meetings and provide him whatever assistance I could in the development of a "laundry list." However, I explained to him that Dr. Pahl, on Page 3 - Acting Deputy Director September 9, 1974 had asked all DRMP staff members to request that "Requests for Information" be submitted in writing to or through the Director's office. G. Lee Teets cc: Attendees Judy Silsbee GM Staff Cy Young