Oe 725 - SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY O regional medical programs February 1969 See eam eRESETp ER aSRaen a — U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service SELECTED BIBLIMSRADT* O regional medical programs First Revision February 1969 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Health Services and Mental Health Administration Division of Regional Medical Programs PREFACE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS This first revision of the Selected Bibliography of Regional Medical Programs has been made by the Office of Communica- tions and Public Information of the Division of Regional Medical Programs. The need for such a revision only six months after the first publication was made necessary by the over- whelming number of new articles and publications dealing with Regional Medical Program activities. This Bibliography is based upon materials collected since the Division was established in February of 1966, as well as materials published as early as April 1965, which are important references to the history of the Programs. As indicated by the © term Selected in the title, the choice of the references represents a continuing effort aimed at the development of a representa- tive resource which will be of value to all Regional Medical Programs and those organizations, institutions, and individuals working with them. Page The following is a listing of the contents of this SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY of... - INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS ¢ Published by Programs Themselves ...... . 1 ¢ Published Nationally and Locally ......2.~. 15 e Published by Division of Regional Medical Pro- grams 2. www te 32 REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ¢ Published Nationally and Locally ........ 38 ¢ Published by Division of Regional Medical Pro- grams... . 2... ....22.2020280284 49 eOthr. 2... 50 APPENDIX .................0.. 51 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves ALABAMA ALBANY ARIZONA ARKANSAS BI-STATE “Core Staff Directory” (4-page booklet). Listing of Core Staff and Committee Chairmen of the Alabama Regional Medi- cal Program. “Albany Regional Medical Program In- formation” (newsletter-release). Pub- lished when needed. “Albany Regional Medical Program Re- port” (newsletter). Published bimonthly ; first issue: September-October 1968. “Albany Regional Medical Program 1968- 1969 Two-Way Radio Conferences for Medical Technologists” (1-fold leaflet). Lists of the Consulting Group for Medical Technology and the subject, faculty, origin and schedule of the programs. “The Albany Regional Medical Program” (5-fold leaflet). The purpose of the Albany Regional Medica] Program and descrip- tions of five of its ongoing projects. “ARMP: What’s It All About?” (2-fold leaflet). Basic information on the Albany Regional Medical Program, and brief de- scriptions of several projects. “News—Arizona Regional Medical Pro- gram” (newsletter). First issue: January 1969. “ARMP News” (newsletter). Published bimonthly ; first issue: October 1967. “Arkansas Regional Medical Program” (2-fold leaflet). Basic information on the origin and objectives of the Arkansas Regional Medical Program, as well as a listing of staff and Regional Advisory Group members. “Bi-State Beat” (newsletter). Published bimonthly ; first issue: February 15, 1969. i! INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued CALIFORNIA CENTRAL NEW YORK “California Area IV Regional Medical Programs Newsletter” (newsletter). Pub- lished monthly. “California Area IV Regional Medical Programs, UCLA” (15-page booklet). In- formation on the organization and pur- poses of the California Area IV program. “News: California Committee on Regional Medical Programs” (newsletter-release). Published on a news release schedule. “RMP News—Regional Medical Pro- grams, California Area I” (newsletter). First issue: October 1968. “To bring to every person tomorrow’s medicine . . . Today” (12-page booklet). The purpose of Regional Medical Pro- grams and background on the California Regional Medical Program. “Central New York Regional Medical Program Bulletin” (newsletter). Pub- lished monthly ; first issue: February 1968. “Central New York Regional Medical Program Continuing Education Pro- grams in Coronary Nursing” (2-fold leaflet). Description of four-week residen- tial programs designed to prepare nurses to function in beginning positions in coro- nary care units; includes registration blank. “Central New York Regional Medical Pro- gram Continuing Education Programs in Rehabilitation Nursing” (2-fold leaflet). Description of a 13-day program designed to help the nurse develop into an effective member of the rehabilitation team, and make rehabilitation an objective in all nursing ministrations; includes registra- tion blank. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued CENTRAL NEW YORK (Continued) COLORADO- WYOMING FLORIDA GEORGIA GREATER DELAWARE VALLEY “Central New York Regional Medical Program Continuing Education Pro- grams in Special Care Unit Nursing” (2- fold leaflet). Description of fall and spring three-part programs designed to prepare the RN and LPN to function ef- fectively in the special (intensive) care unit; includes registration blank. “Continuing Education Programs in Respiratory Disease Nursing, Central New York Regional Medical Program” (2-fold leaflet). Description of a 52-hour residential program designed to increase the RN and LPN’s skill and knowledge in the care and management of patients with respiratory disease; includes registration blank. “Regional Medical Program of Central New York” (3-fold leaflet). Background on Regional Medical Programs and on the Central New York Program; listing of staff and Regional Advisory Group members, “Colorado-Wyoming Regional Medical Program Newsletter” (newsletter). Pub- lished monthly; first issue: November 1967. “Florida Regional Medical News, Information and Data” (newslet- ter) Published as needed ; first issue: Sep- tember 10, 1968. “GRMP-Gram” (official publication of the Georgia Regional Medical Program, used for news releases and other informa- tion). First dated issue: July 1968. “A Concept ...A Region...A Program” (12-page booklet). Describes the concept of Regional Medical Programs, the Re- gion and the organization of the Greater Delaware Valley Program, project. devel- opment, and other information. “Action” (newsletter). First issue: Win- ter 1969. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued HAWAII ILLINOIS INDIANA INTERMOUNTAIN “Regional Medical Program of Hawaii” (newsletter). Published monthly; first issue: August 1968. “THinois Regional Medical Program” (15- page booklet). Covers the purpose, objec- tives, operation, grant procedure, and meaning of the Program. “Tllinois Regional Medical Program (31- page booklet). A directory of the Commit- tees and Task Forces of the Illinois Re- gional Medical Program. “Indiana Regional Medical Program LINK—Promoting Cooperative Effort in the Fight Against Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke” (newsletter). First issue: January 1968. “Promoting Cooperative Effort in the Fight Against Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Related Diseases (7-page news release). Issued February 17, 1969. An- nouncement of the first operational grant award to the Indiana Region, with descrip- tions of the various operational activities to be carried on; includes information on Project Directors and the Regional Ad- visory Group. “Intermountain Regional Medical Pro- gram” (24-page booklet). Describes the needs to which the Program is addressing itself; gives a profile of the Region; de- scribes projects the Program has under- taken; lists staff and Advisory Group members. “Intermountain Regional Medical Pro- gram” (2-fold leaflet). Describes the Re- gion, health problems, resources, the pro- gram planning and operational activities. “ITRMP Reporter” (newsletter). Pub- lished monthly ; first issue: June 1967. “Visiting Stroke Clinic” (1-fold leaflet). Description of the Intermountain “Visit- ing Teaching and Consultant Clinic” pilot project. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued IOWA MAINE KANSAS “TRMP Impact” (newsletter). First is- sue: June 1967. “Towa RMP—Guidelines for Submitting Applications” (6-page booklet). Guide- lines designed to assist communities in developing proposals for projects to meet community health needs through the Iowa Regional Medical Program. “IRMP—Iowa Regional Medical Pro- gram, How It Started . . . Where It’s Going” (16-page booklet). Purpose of Re- gional Medical Programs; the Iowa orga- nization; information on the operational phase and projects of the Program; list- ing of the Regional Advisory Group and the chief staff of the Iowa Regional Medi- cal Program. “PROFILE—Kansas Regional Medical Program” (newsletter). Published quar- terly; first issue: September 1967. “Annual Report to Corporators of Medi- cal Care Development, Inc., Progress During the Current Year” (12-page book- let; 9 pages of exhibits), August 1, 1967 through April 20, 1968. Background on Regional Medical Programs in general; narrative report of progress during the current year for the Maine Regional Medi- cal Program, including a run-down of the feasibility studies, problems encountered in them; operational objectives and pro- gram objectives; planning activities pro- posed for the coming year. “Maine’s Regional Medical Program” (newsletter). Published bimonthly; first issue: October 1967. “Maine’s Regional Medical Program— Research, Continuing Medical Education, and Professional Training” (2-fold leaflet). Purpose of the Maine Regional Medical Program; history of Public Law 89-239 and of the Maine Program; chal- lenge and objective of the Program; pos- sible projected activities. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued MARYLAND “Continuing Medical Education—Another Look at Your Community Hospital” (5- page paper). Summary of dialog re the organization and administration of the community hospital and the importance of continuing education in such hospitals, which took place during a seminar on con- tinuing education sponsored by the Mary- land Regional Medical Program. “Maryland Regional Medical Program Horizons” (newsletter). Published bi- monthly; first issue: September 1967. “Maryland Regional Medical Program— Questions and Answers” (14-page book- let). Informational material on the his- tory, goals, and projects of the Maryland Regional Medical Program, as well as a listing of its committees and chief staff members. “Regional Medical Program of Maryland Guidelines for Grants” (1-fold leaflet). A set. of Guidelines prepared by the central staff of the Maryland Regional Medical Program for preparing an application for @ project. “Regional Medical Program of Maryland Guidelines for Reviewers” (2-fold leaflet). Guidelines for the Maryland Regional Medical Program’s advisory and review committees in passing on the scientific merits of proposals submitted to the Program. METROPOLITAN “Regional Medical Program of Metro- WASHINGTON, D.C. politan Washington Newsletter” (news- letter). First issue: September 1967. MISSOURI “A Motivational Study of the Effective- ness of Currently Available Pamphlets on Heart, Stroke and Cancer” (8-page book- let). A report from the Communication Research Unit of the Missouri Regional Medical Program. “Entre Nous at MRMP” (newsletter). Published twice monthly; first issue: July 1967. aa? INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued MISSOURI “How to Cope with Smoking—A New (Continued) Scientific Approach to an old Problem” (8-page booklet). Prepared by the Com- munication Research Unit for experimen- tal purposes, “Missouri Regional Medical Program” (24-page booklet). Background on Re- gional Medical Programs; what Mis- souri is doing in Smithville, Springfield, and Kansas City; information on the Missouri Program’s Communications Research Unit, Program Evaluation Center; on its Population Study Group Surveys, Multiphasic Testing, Mass Screening Radiology, Automated EKG and Patient History projects, and others; listings of administrative staff and proj- ect. directors. “Your Breast Cancer Examination Guide” (8-page booklet). Produced by the Com- munication Research Unit for experimen- tal purposes, MOUNTAIN STATES “Initial Analysis of Health Professional Survey: Mountain States Regional Medi- cal Program” (82-page booklet). Regional overview of the survey conducted by the Mountain States Regional Medical Pro- gram, published September 16, 1968. “Mountain States Regional Medical Pro- gram Catalyst” (newsletter). Published monthly ; first issue, February 1968. NEBRASKA- “Nebraska-South Dakota Regional Med- SOUTH DAKOTA ical Program Bulletin” (newsletter). First issue: April 1968. NEW JERSEY “Medical Tapes By Phone For New Jersey Physicians” (2-fold leaflet). List- ing of subjects of tapes available to all New Jersey physicians by collect call. “New Jersey Regional Medical Program News, Information and Data” (newslet- ter). Published as needed; first issue, Sep- tember 4, 1968. eee INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued f NEW JERSEY (Continued) NEW YORK METROPOLITAN “The New Jersey Regional Medical Pro- gram” (2-fold leaflet). Origin and devel- opment of the New Jersey Regional Medi- cal Program; text of Public Law 89-239; listing of the Executive Committee of the New Jersey Regional Medical Program. “A Review of the New York Metropolitan Regional Medical Program for Heart Dis- ease, Cancer, Stroke and Related Diseases” by Vincent dePaul Larkin, M.D., Pro- gram Coordinator (21-page booklet). An introduction to the planning phase of the New York Metropolitan Regional Medical Program, including background on Re- gional Medical Programs; a description of the organizational structure of the New York Program ; 20 questions and answers re Regional Medical Programs; listing of the coordinators at the medical schools; and a description of the feasibility study of care of cancer patients at Memorial Hospital for cancer and allied diseases. “Heart, Cancer, Stroke and Related Dis- eases, A Data Book” (84-page booklet). Prepared December 1968 by Anne Cugliani and Peter Marana. Baseline data on mor- bidity, mortality, facilities, manpower, training, and population for the New York Metropolitan Regional Medical Program Region. “MetroNews” (newsletter). First issue: January 1968. “1967-1968 New York Metropolitan Re- gional Medical Program” (16-page book- let). The purpose of Regional Medical Programs, the goals, organization and planning process of the New York Metro- politan Regional Medical Program, and descriptions of several projects. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued NORTH CAROLINA “Innovation” The Association for the North Carolina Regional Medical Pro- gram (newsletter). Published monthly; first issue: April 1968. “North Carolina Regional Medical Pro- gram Operational Profile” (4-page book- let). Information on the Region, its major needs and resources, organization of the Program, funding, objectives and decision- making, including a listing of the Advis- ory Council, the administrative staff, and projects. NORTHEAST OHIO “How Do You Vote Regarding the North- east Ohio Regional Medical Program?” (12-page booklet). A nine-minute quiz for physicians in which they can check pref- erences to help the Northeast Ohio Re- gional Medical Program better tailor the Regional Medical Program to fit the Re- gion’s needs, “Introducing Northeast Ohio Regional ‘Medical Program, An Opportunity for the Medical-Health Team in Our 12-Coun- ty Region to Improve the Health Care of 4,200,000 People” (2-fold leaflet). Ex- planation of the purposes of Regional Medical Programs and general informa- tion on the Northeast Ohio Regional Med- ical Program. “Northeast Ohio News, Information and Data” (newsletter). Published when need- ed; first issue: November 13, 1968. “The Northeast Ohio Regional Medical Program, Part I. Description of the Pro- gram, Section I. Origin—Goals—Strat- egy” (25-page booklet). Description of the Northeast Ohio Regional Medical Pro- gram, including its goals, strategy and methodology. a? INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued NORTHEAST OHIO “The Northeast Ohio Regional Medical (Continued) Program, Part II. Health Related Dafa, Section I. Demography” (20-page book- let). Contains demographic information which supplies the base for comparative evaluation of much of the data to be pub- lished in following booklets (Sections), and should prove helpful in estimating health needs within the Region, and in ' judging adequacy of resources in man- power and facilities. “The Northeast Ohio Regional Medical Program, Part II. Health Related Data, Section II. Mortality Statistics” (26-page booklet). Mortality studies of heart dis- ease, cancer, stroke and related diseases in Northeast Ohio. “The Northeast Ohio Regional Medical Program, Part IT. Health Related Data, Section III. Pertinent Data from the Na- tional Health Survey” (22-page booklet). Information pertinent to Regional Medical Programs abstracted from the National Health Survey statistics of the National Center for Health Statistics. NORTHERN “Northern New England Regional Medi- NEW ENGLAND cal Program” (newsletter). Published bimonthly; first issue: February 1967. NORTHLANDS “CE/MD—Continuing Education Medical Dates” (20-page booklet). Published quar- terly by the Minnesota Academy of Gen- eral Practice, supported by the Northlands Regional Medical Program. OHIO STATE “Conceptual Strategy” (unpublished mim- eograph). An interpretation of Public Law 89-239 and the Ohio State Regional Medical Program’s role in the encourage- ment of the development of programs at the local level. “Criteria for Review of Proposal” (un- published mimeograph). 10 Hi INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued . OHIO STATE (Continued) OREGON ROCHESTER “Guidelines for the Preparation of Opera- tional Proposals” (unpublished mimeo- graph). “Ohio State Regional Medical Program” (newsletter). First issue: January 1968. Ringe, Robert C., “Cable Television (CATV) : Potential Medium For Continu- ing Medical Education” (unpublished paper). “The Development of Local Planning Committees” (unpublished mimeograph). “The Ohio State Regional Medical Pro- gram” (3-fold leaflet). General informa- tion on the Ohio State Regional Medical Program, including a listing of admins- trative staff. “The RMP Story” (unpublished mimeo- graph). An outline of the general develop- ment of Regional Medical Programs and the beginning of the Ohio State Regional Medical Program. “Twenty Questions” (unpublished mimeo- graph). Questions and answers on the Ohio State Regional Medical Program. White, Charles H., Ringe, Robert C., and Tewart, Braxton, E., “Potential Medical Uses for Micro-Wave Television” (unpub- lished paper). “Oregon Regional Medical Program” (newsletter). First issue: September 1967. “Newsletter—Rochester Regional Medical Program for Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Related Diseases” (newslet- ter). First issue: Fall 1968. “Newsletter on Cancer—A Pilot Project of the Rochester Region” (newsletter). First issue: Winter 1968-1969. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued SOUTH CAROLINA “Progress Report—South Carolina Re- gional Medical Program” (2-fold leaflet). Background on the Law; and the South Carolina Regional Medical Program, list- ing operational projects. “South Carolina Regional Medical Pro- gram” (newsletter). Published monthly; first issue: Fall 1967. 1 SUSQUEHANNA “SVRMP Newsletter” (newsletter). Pub- VALLEY lished bimonthly; first issue: June 1968. TENNESSEE “An experimental Model for Providing MID-SOUTH Patient Care” (8-page booklet). Informa- tion on a project of the Tennessee Mid- South Regional Medical Program. “Translating Plans into Reality for Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Related Dis- eases” (12-page booklet). An introduction to the Tennessee Mid-South Program; run-down of planning and operational project review; listing of the Regional Advisory Group and Study Group mem- bers. “Tennessee Mid-South Regional Medical Program” (1-fold leaflet). General in- | formation on Regional Medical Programs and some information on the Tennessee Mid-South Program. “Tennessee Mid-South Regional Medical Program Directory of Regional Advisory Group, Study Groups, Staff, and Project Directors” (40-page booklet). Published March 1969. “Study of Nursing Education in Ten- nessee” (38-page booklet). Statistics on Regional nursing resources: number of nurses, nursing schools ; needs, 1968. TEXAS “Regional Medical Program of Texas” (newsletter). Published periodically; first issue: June 28, 1967. SS” INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued VIRGINIA “New Dimensions” (newsletter). Pub- lished monthly; first issue: March 1968. “Virginia Regional Medical Program” ° (3-fold leaflet). Background on the de- velopment of the Virginia Regional Medical Program, and basic information on Regional Medical Programs in general; listing of the Governor’s Advisory Com- mittee on Regional Medical Programs. “Virginia Regional Medical Program Guidelines, February 1969 (20-page book- let). History, goals, of Regional Medical Programs; the process of regionalization ; background on the Virginia Program; project planning and proposal prepara- tion. WASHINGTON- “Results” (newsletter). Published periodi- ALASKA cally; first issue: November 1967. “Washington and Alaska Coronary Care Capability Survey” (15-page booklet). Directed by Stephen R. Yarnall, M.D.; report prepared by Jack P. Kornfeld. A survey of the extent of coronary care unit development in the hospitals of Washing- ton and Alaska, Summer 1967. “Where Washington Cancer Patients Died, 1966” (41-page booklet). Pre- pared by Jack P. Kornfeld in cooperation , with Jess Spielholz, M.D., Washington State Department of Health, Health Service Division, March 1968. 2 WEST “Newsletter of the West Virginia Regional VIRGINIA Medical Program—FOCUS” (newslet- ter). Published monthly; first issue: March 1968. “West Virginia Regional Medical Pro- gram” (2-fold leaflet). Describes back- ground, the need, the Region, objectives, activities, and the review process for projects. 334-090 O—¢9——3 tO EOE INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Programs Themselves, Continued WESTERN NEW YORK WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA WISCONSIN 14 “Annual Report 67/68” (92-page book). Basic information on the Western New York Program; and description of its activities. Includes listings of staff, Re- gional Advisory Group, and Program Committees. “Regional Medical Program of Western New York” (newsletter). Published per- iodically; first issue: September 1967. “The Regional Medical Program for Western New York” (2-fold leaflet). Back- ground on the objectives of Regional Medical Programs and development of the Western New York Regional Medical Program. “News Notes, Western Pennsylvania Re- gional Medical Program” (newsletter). First issue: January 1968. “ ‘Primary Needs’ Outlined in Battle Against Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke” (press release, October 22, 1967). Full text of a press release issued by the West- ern Pennsylvania Regional Medical Pro- gram Advisory Committee following its regular meeting of October 19, 1967. “The Wisconsin Regional Medical Pro- gram—How It Began ...and Why” (15-page booklet). Background informa- tion on Regional Medical Programs in general; policy statement of the Regional Advisory Committee on cooperative ar- rangements within the Wisconsin Region ; listing of the Board of Directors and the Regional Advisory Committee for the Wisconsin Regional Medical Program. “Wisconsin Regional Medical Program VIEWPOINT” (newsletter.) Published bimonthly ; first issue: July 1967. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Locally ALABAMA “Regional Medical Program—Heart Dis- -, ease, Cancer and Stroke,” the Medical Association of the State of Alabama Handbook for Counsellors and Delegates, Called Meeting 1968, pages 21-24. ALBANY “Albany Regional Medical Program Links Three States,” Medical Tribune. February / 12, 1968. “Heart Associations That Have Been Active in Programming—Albany, New York,” Heart and Torch (American Heart Association), Vol. 15, No. 3, pages 12-13. Fall 1967. McMahon, James, “Two-Way Radio Keeps M.D.’s Abreast,” Health News (New York State Department of Health), pages 2-7. November 1968. “Meshing Smoothly: Regional Programs, Local M.D.’s,” Hospital Practice, pages 16-17. August 1967. Schmeck, Harold M., Jr., “National Cam- paign Against Disease to Begin with Four Regional Programs,” Z'he New York Times, April 15, 1967. (Reprinted in Vews, Information and Data [Division of Re- gional Medical Programs], Vol. 1, No. 14. June 21, 1967.) Woolsey, Frank M., Jr., M.D., “Al- bany Program Emphasizes Community Strengths, Relationships,” Z. ospitals, Vol. 42, July 1, 1968. Ibid., “Initial Operational Activities of the Albany Regional Medical Program,” The Journal of Medical Education, Vol. 43, No. 10, pages 1041-1048, October 1968. CALIFORNIA “A Survey of Continuing Medical Educa- tion for Physicians, Selected Findings Based on 2,600 Responses to Question- naires,” California Medicine, pages 245- 251. September 1968. 15 i = INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Locally, Continued CALIFORNIA Brayton, Donald F., M-D., “The UCLA (Continued) Regional Medical Program,” U' CLA ’ Medicine, Report of the UCLA School of Medicine, Vol. 2, No. 2. Fall 1967. “Continuing His Education,” California Medicine, pages 241-242. September 1968. ‘ “Information—Coronary Care Unit Per- sonnel Training,” California Medicine, pages 267-268, September 1968. “Program Initiated for Heart Care,” Drug Trade News. September 9, 1968. Ward, Paul D., “A Progress Report on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke,” The Bulletin (Los Angeles County Medical Association) . November 2, 1967. “What about Regions within States— California,” Heart and Torch (American Heart Association), Vol. 15, No. 3, pages 13-14, Fall 1967. CENTRAL Lyons, Richard H., M.D., “Central New NEW YORK York Regional Medica] Program,” Onondaga County Medical Society Bulle- fo tin. April 1967. “USPHS Funds ‘Stroke Bus’,” American Journal of Nursing. September 1968. CONNECTICUT Clark, Henry T., Jr., M.D., Morrissey, Edward F., and Seipp, Conrad, Ph. D., “The Connecticut Regional Medical Pro- gram and the Family Physician,” Con- necticut Medicine, pages 672-674. Sep- tember 1968. Ebbert, Arthur, Jr., M.D., “A Look at Public Law 89-239: The Heart Disease, Cancer, and Stroke Program,” Connecti- cut Medicine, Vol. 30, No. 9, page 664. September 1966. 16 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Locally, Continued CONNECTICUT (Continued) FLORIDA GEORGIA Lawton, Robert P., “Regional Medical Programs: Biggest Bargain of the Age,” Hospital Topics. June 1967. Morrissey, Edward F., Seipp, Conrad A., and Clark, Henry T., Jr., M.D., “Connect- icut Regional Medical Program—From Planning to Operations,” Connecticut Medicine. February 1969. Snoke, Albert Q., M.D., “Symposium on Health Services, II. Local, Regional, and National Comprehensive Planning: The Role of the Teaching Hospital,” Journal of Medical Education, pages 474-475. April 1968. Weinerman, E. Richard, “Planning and Organization of the Connecticut Regional Medical Program,” Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 48, No. 6. June 1967. Hampton, H. Phillip, M.D., and Martin, Samuel, P., M.D., “Florida Regional Medi- cal Program,” The Journal of the Florida Medical Association, Vol. 55, pages 855-859. September 1968. Battey, Louis L., M.D., “Georgia Regional Medical Program,” Journal of the Georgia Medical Association, pages 141-142. April 1967: “What Impact Will the Georgia Re- gional Medical Program Have on Your Medical Education? Special Issue: Public Law 89-239, Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Related Diseases”. Chambers, J. W., M.D., “A Unique Oppor- tunity for Leadership,” (Editorial) Jbid., page 157. 17 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Locally, Continued GEORGIA: “Innovative Plans for the Georgia Re- (Continued) gional Medical Program,” Journal of the . Georgia Medical Association, pages 149- 151 (excerpted from the Georgia Regional Medical Program Application for Grant Awarded January 1, 1967). April 1967: “What Impact Will the Georgia Regional Medical Program Have on Your Medical Education? Special Issue: Public Law 89- ’ 239, Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Related Diseases”. “Some of the Heart Associations That Have Been Active in the Planning rgia,” Heart and Torch (American Heart Association), Vol. 15, No. 38, pages 7-8. Fall 1967. Williams, W. Loren, Ph. D., “Evaluation and the Georgia Regional Medical Pro- gram,” Journal of the Georgia Medical Association, pages 152-153. April 1967: “What Impact Will the Georgia Regional Medical Program Have on Your Medical Education? Special Issue: Public Law 89-239, Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Related Diseases”. ILLINOIS Adams, Wright, M.D., “Illinois Nurses and the Regional Medical Program,” Chart (Illinois Nurses’ Association), Vol. 66, No. 8, pages 75-79. March 1969. [bid., “The Illinois Regional Medical Pro- gram for Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke,” [Winois Medical Journal, Vol. 135, No. 2, pages 166-169. February 1969. INDIANA Hickman, Jack W., M.D., Stonehill, Rob- ert B., M.D., Brown, Charles, R., MS., and Lukemeyer, George T., M.D., “A Survey of Continuing Medical Education in Indi- ana,” The Journal (Indiana State Medical Association). January 1969. Stonehill, Robert B., M.D., “Continuing Education in Indiana RMP,” The Medical Quarterly of the Indiana University School of Medicine. Fall 1968. 18 SS” INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Locally, Continued INDIANA (Continued) , INTERMOUNTAIN Ibid., “Indiana’s RMP,” pages 5~7. Fall 1967. Ibid. and Murray, Raymond H., M.D., “The Evaluation of the Cardiopulmonary Patient for Air Travel,” The Journal (Indiana State Medical Association). November 1968. Castle, C. Hilmon, M.D., “Intermountain Program Focuses on Community Hospi- tals,” Hospitals, Vol. 42. July 1, 1968. Ibid., “Regional Medical Programs: Im- plications for the Intermountain Area,” Rocky Mountain Medical Journal. Jan- uary 1967. Ibid., “The Program Is Regional, The Feedback Is Local,” Government Impact on Hospital Practice, Hospital Practice, Vol. 3, No. 9, pages 16-17, 19-20, 24-25. September 1968. (Reprinted in News, In- formation and Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. 2, No. 40. Octo- ber 15, 1968.) “Heart Associations That Have Been Active in Programming—Intermountain,” Heart and Torch (American Heart As- sociation), Vol. 15, No. 3, pages 10-12. Fall 1967. Josephine, Sister Ann, C.S.C., Ph.D., “How the Intermountain Area is Develop- ing Its Regional Medical Program—A Report by an Administrator Actively In- volved in the Planning,” Hospital Prog- ress. November 1967. “Meshing Smoothly: Regional Programs, Local M.D.’s,” Hospital Practice, pages 16-17. August 1967. Schmeck, Harold M., Jr., “National Campaign Against Disease to Begin with Four Regional Programs,” The New York Times. April 15, 1967. (Reprinted in News, Information and Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. 1, No. 14. June 21, 1967.) 19 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Locally, Continued IOWA “See Closer Dental Alliance with Iowa Medical Program,” Journal of the Ameri- can Dental Association. January 1969. , “Some of the Heart Associations That Have Been Active in the Planning Stages—Iowa,” Heart and Torch (Ameri- can Heart Association), Vol. 15, No. 3, pages 8-9. Fall 1967. “The State of Health Care in Iowa.” Des Moines Sunday Register Picture, pages 13-14, November 24, 1968. KANSAS Lewis, Charles E., M.D., “Local Action Groups Involve Communities in Kansas Program,” Hospitals, Vol. 42, July 1, 1968 “Meshing Smoothly: Regional Programs, Local M.D.’s,” Hospital Practice, pages 16-17. August 1967. “Regional Medical Planning and the State of Kansas,” Geriatrics, Geriscope: Medi- cal Report from Washington, the Nation, and the World. October 1967. Schmeck, Harold M., Jr., “National Campaign Against Disease to Begin with Four Regional Programs,” The New York Times. April 15, 1967. (Reprinted in News, Information and Data [Division of Re- gional Medical Programs], Vol. 1, No. 14. June 21, 1967.) Walker, Jack D., M_D., “Regional Medical Programs—For Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, and Related Disease for Kansas,” Journal of the Kansas Medical Society, Vol. LXVITI, No. IV, pages 162-165. April 1967. LOUISIANA “Some of the Heart Associations That Have Been Active in Planning Stages— Louisiana,” Heart and Torch (American Heart Association), Vol. 15, No. 3, page 6. Fall 1967. i? | INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Locally, Continued METROPOLITAN Mattingly, Thomas W., M.D., “The Re- WASHINGTON, D.C. gional Medical Program of Metropolitan Washington,” Medical Annals of the Dis- trict of Columbia, Vol. 36, No. 3, pages 186-188. March 1967. MICHIGAN Sibery, D. Eugene, “See Creative Aspects of Planning,” Hospital Topics. June 1967. MISSOURI Bank, Gail, M.S., and Mayer, William D., ' M.D., “Continuing Education for the Health Professions,” Missouri Medicine . (Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association), Vol. 65, No. 9, pages 730- 733. September 1968. Clayton, F.W., “The Missouri Regional Medical Program,” School of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Newsletter (University of Missouri, Columbia), No. 15, page 2. October 1968. Files, James B., M.D., Van Peenen, Hubert J.. M.D., and Lindberg, Donald A. B., M.D., “Use of ‘Normal Range’ in Multi- phasic Testing,” Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 205, No. 10. September 2, 1968. Hardwicke, Henry M., M.D., “The Smith- ville Project,” Missouri Medicine (Journal of the Missouri State Medical Associa- tion), Vol. 65, No. 9, pages 750-753. Sep- tember 1968. ; [bid., “Total Local Health Planning—The Smithville Project,” The Secretary’s Re- gional Conference on Health Care Costs, " September 1968. Unpublished. “Heart Associations That Have Been Active in Programming—Missouri,” Heart and Torch (American Heart Asso- ciation), Vol. 15, No. 3, pages 9-10. Fall 1967. Kingsland, Lawrence C., Jr., M.D., “How Computers Can Aid the Physician,” The Physician’s Panorama, pages 26-28. De- cember 1967. 21 334-909 O—69-—_4 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS — Published Nationally and Locally, Continued MISSOURI (Continued) Kingsland, Lawrence C., Jr., M.D., “The Computer Fact Bank,” Missouri Medicine (Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association), Vol. 65, No. 9, pages 734- 735, 737. September 1968. Ivid., Clayton, F. W., and Lindberg, D. A. B., “Biomedical Microfilm Informa- tion Collection and Depth Index,” Ab- stracts, The Sixth Annual Symposium on Biomathematics and Computer Science in the Life Sciences, Houston, Texas, March 14-16, 1968. Unpublished. Kingsland, Lawrence C., Jr., M.D., Row- land, L. R., Schroeder, J. J., Buck, C. R., Jr., and Lindberg, D. A. B., “Experiences with a Hospital Computer System and Plans for a Medical Fact Bank,” Pro- gramming Chronic Disease Laboratory Services. A Summary of the 1967 Multi- regional Seminars, Washington, D.C. Un- published. ~ Lee, Teu-Tsu, M.D., “MRMP and Can- cer,” The Missouri Family Doctor, pages 14-15. July 1968. Lindberg, Donald A. B., M.D., and Am- linger, P. Rudolph, M.D., “Automated Analysis of the Electrocardiogram,” Tbid., pages 742-745. Lysen, John C., Ph. D., and Purdy, Allen, M.D., “Bioengineering in MRMP,.” Jbid., _ pages 741, 745. “Meshing Smoothly: Regional Programs, Local M.D.’s,” Hospital Practice, pages 16-17. August 1967. O'Connell, D., and Spangler, M. R., “MEDIAN: A Medical Information Ac- cess Network,” Abstracts, The Sixth Annual Symposium on Biomathematics and Computer Science in the Life Sci- ences, Houston, Texas, March 14-16, 1968. Unpublished. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Locally, Continued MISSOURI “Regional Program Brings Research Re- (Continued) sults to Bedside,” Medical World News, Vol. 8, No. 36. September 8, 1967. (Re- printed in News, Information and Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. 1, No. 36. October 12, 1967.) Reichertz, Peter L., M.D., “Mass Screen- ing Radiology,” Missouri Medicine (Jour- nal of the Missouri State Medical Associa- ' tion), Vol. 65, No. 9, pages 738-740. September 1968. | Rikli, Arthur E., M.D., “Operational Program for Missouri Regional Medical Program,” Jbid., pages 728-729, 733. Ibid., “Operational Program for the Mis- souri Regional Medical Program,” The Missouri Family Doctor. September 1968. Schmeck, Harold M., Jr., “National Cam- paign Against Disease to Begin with Four Regional Programs,” The New York Times. April 15, 1967. (Reprinted in News, Information and Data [Division of Re- gional Medical Programs], Vol. 1, No. 14. June 21, 1967.) Sights, Warren P., M.D., “Stroke and MRMP,” The Missouri Family Doctor, pages 6-7. August 1968. Simmons, Earl M., M_D., “The Family Physician and His Relationship to Au- tomated Patient Histories,” /bid., pages 6-7. November 1968. Starr, Chester G., “Manual of Medical ‘and Paramedical Services in Missouri,” Missouri Medicine (Journal of the Mis- souri State Medical Association), Vol. 65, No. 9, pages 757-758. September 1968. Stephenson, William, Ph.D., “Communi- cation Research,” Missouri Medicine (Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association), Vol. 65, No. 9, pages 754— 756. September 1968. | - INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Locally, Continued MISSOURI Turner, Glenn, O., M.D., “The Com- (Continued) munity Approach to Reduction of Cardio- vascular Deaths,” Missourt Medicine (Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association), Vol. 65, No. 9, pages 746-749, 753. September 1968. Van Peenen, Hubert J., M.D., and Files, James B., M.D., “Laboratory Multiphasic , Testing Today,” /bid., pages 786-737. Ibid., and Wood, Mary Jean, M.D., “Bio- chemical Screening in Missouri Psychi- atric Hospitals: Preliminary Results,” Vol. 65, No. 5, page 367. May 1968. Wakerlin, George E., M.D., Ph.D., “Guidelines for the Development and Submission of Pilot Projects to MRMP,” The Missouri Family Doctor, pages 16-17. March 1968. Idid., “Heart Disease and MRMP,” pages 6-7. June 1968. Ibid., “Missouri Regional Medical Pro- gram,” Cooperation (Missouri Associa- tion of Osteopathic Physicians and Sur- geons), Vol. 38, pages 4-8. March-April 1967. Ibid., “Missouri Regional Medical Pro- gram,” Missouri Medicine (Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association), pages 90-94. February 1967. Ibid., “Natural History of the Hyperten- sive Patient,” pages 921-924. November 1967. Idid., “Objective and Goals of MRMP,” The Missouri Famély Doctor, pages 4-5. January 1968. Ibid., “Organization of MRMP,” pages 14-15. February 1968. ole . INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and. Locally, Continued MISSOURI (Continued) MOUNTAIN STATES Ibid., “Planning for the Missouri Regional Medical Program,” Missouri Medicine (Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association), Vol. 65, No. 9, pages 722- 727. September 1968. Ibid., “Reducing the Risk Factors of Coronary Heart Disease,” The Bulletin of the Missouri Dietetic Association, pages 4-5. November 1967. Wilson, Vernon E., M.D., “Academic and Public Agencies Work Together in Mis- souri Program,” Hospitals, Vol. 42. July 1, 1968. Ibid., “Missouri Regional Medical Pro- gram,” Missouri Medicine (Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association), Vol. 65, No. 9, pages 719-721, 727. September 1968. Ibid., “The Role and Contribution of Epidemiology in Planning, Operation and Evaluation of Regional Medical Programs (Heart, Cancer, and Stroke) III. Use of Total Population Data Sys- tem for Development and Evaluation of the Regional Medical Program—Report from Missouri,” American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 58, No. 6, pages 1054— 1058. June 1968. Zimmerman, T. F., and Crnic, Carol A., “Master Facilities Inventory: A Study of Health Manpower Training Resources— Jackson and Clay Counties, Missouri, 1967,” Institute for Community Studies publication No. 68-170, Kansas City, Missouri. July 1968. Grizzle, Claude O., M.D., “Regional Medical Programming in Wyoming—a Subject of Vital Interest to All of Us in the Health Fields,” Rocky Mountain Med- ical Journal. July 1967. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Locally, Continued NEBRASKA- “Some of the Heart Associations That SOUTH DAKOTA Have Been Active in Planning Stages— Nebraska,” Heart and Torch (American Heart Association), Vol. 5, No. 3, pages 2-4, Fall 1967. NEW YORK Delaney, C. Joseph, “President’s Page,” METROPOLITAN New York Medicine, March 1968. “Finding Instant Beds for Coronary Pa- ‘ tients,” Medical World News. April 12, 1968. : James, George, M.D., “New York Physi- cian and the 1970’s: The Local Regional Medical Program for Heart Disease, Can- cer and Stroke,” New York Medicine, pages 194-196, 198, 200. April 1968. Ibid., “Summation,” Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 43, No. 6, pages 522-524. June 1967. McCormack, James E., “A Message from the Director,” News Notes (The New York Academy of Medicine), No. 17. February 1968. . Ibid., “The New York City Story,” Bul- letin of the New York Academy of Medi- cine, Vol. 48, No. 6, pages 515-521. June 1967, Torrens, Paul R., M.D., M.P.H., F.A.P. HLA., “A Pilot Program in Coordination of Care Between an Urban Teaching Hos- pital and the Community’s General Prac- . titioners,” American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 59, No. 1, pages 60-64. Jan- uary 1969. NORTH CAROLINA Cavanagh, G. S. Terence, “A Medical Library Extension Service,” Vorth Caro- lina Medical Journal, Vol. 29, No. 6: Spe- cial Issue: North Carolina Regional Medical Program. June 1968. Headley, Robert N., M.D., Morgan, Ralph S., Jr, M.D., and Feichter, Ralph N., M.D., “A Comprehensive Coronary Care Program for the State of Franklin,” /6¢d. Li INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Lecally, Continued NORTH CAROLINA (Continued) Jones, Frank W., M.D., “The Medical Society and the Regional Medical Pro- gram in North Carolina,” Vorth Carolina Medical Journal, Vol. 28, No. 5: Special Issue: North Carolina Regional Medical Program. May 1967. Lyle, Carl B., Jr., M.D., “Education and Research in Community Medical Care: The University of North Carolina School of Medicine Approach,” /bid. Matthews, Hugh, M.D., “The State of Franklin and the Regional Medical Pro- gram,” [bid., Vol. 29, No. 6. June 1968. Morgan, Ralph Siler, M.D., “Development of a Regional Medical Program in West- ern North Carolina,” Jbid., Vol. 28, No. 5 May 1967. Musser, Marc J., M.D., “The North Caro- lina Regional Medical Program,” Jbid. Ibid., “The Regional Medical Program in North Carolina,” Vol. 29, No. 6. June 1968. “NIH Grant Shifts North Carolina’s Re- gional Medical Program to Operational Status,” Southern Hospitals, pages 17- 18, 20. April 1968. Ross, Robert A., M.D., “The Regional Medical Program: An Opinion,” North Carolina Medical Journal, Vol. 28, No. 5: Special Issue: North Carolina Regional Medical Program. May 1967. Ibid., “The North Carolina State Society and the Regional Medical Program,” Vol. 29, No. 6, June 1968. Smith, Harvey L., Ph.D., “Data-Gather- ing Operations of the Regional Medical Program,” [bid., Vol. 28, No. 5. May 1967. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Lecally, Continued NORTH CAROLINA Tyroler, Herman A., M.D., and Smith, (Continued) Harvey L., Ph.D., “The Role and Contri- bution of Epidemiology in Planning, Operation, and Evaluation of Regional Medical Programs (Heart, Cancer, and Stroke) IV. Epidemiology and Planning for the North Carolina Regional Medical Program,” American Journal of Public Health,” Vol. 58, No. 6, pages 1058-1067. June 1968, Wilbanks, George D., Jr., M.D., “A Can- cer Information Service,” /bid., Vol. 29, No. 6. June 1968. Williams, T. Franklin, M.D., and Wat- kins, Julia D., R.N., M.P.H., “Diabetic Consultation and Educational Services: A Feasibility Study,” North Carolina Medical Journal, Vol. 28, No. 5: Special Issue: North Carolina Regional Medical Program. May 1967. Woods, James W., M.D., “Intensive Cor- onary Care Units in Community Hospi- tals: A Pilot Project,” Jbid., Vol. 28, No. 5. May 1967. OHIO STATE Andrews, Neil C., and White, Charles H., “Regional Medical Programs: A View from the Local Level,” The Ohio State Medical Journal, pages 1239-1240. No- vember 1968. “Regional Medical Program Is Funded,” College of Medicine Journal (The Ohio State University), Vol. 19, No. 1, page 18. Autumn 1968. Ringe, Robert C., “The Nurse, Patient Care, and Regional Medical Programs,” Ohio Nurses Review, Vol. 43, No. 4, pages 17-21. May 1968. Tbid., and Andrews, Neil C., “Heart of Ohio: The Ohio State Regional Medical Program,” Ohio’s Health (Ohio Depart- ment of Health). In press, Spring 1969. J INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Locally, Continued OREGON ROCHESTER ‘ SOUTH CAROLINA TENNESSEE MID-SOUTH WASHINGTON- ALASKA “Some of the Heart Associations That Have Been Active in the Planning Stages—Oregon,” Heart and Torch (American Heart Association), Vol. 15, No. 3, page 7. Fall 1967. “The Regional Medical Program,” Medi- cal Review (The University of Rochester) , pages 6-7, 15. Fall 1968. Cardiovascular News and Notes for Physicians (South Carolina Heart Asso- ciation). August-September 1967 Issue: The Regional Medica] Program (Vol. 2, No. 5). Baroody, N. B., M.D., “The Regional Med- ical Program,” /bid., page 1. “Some of the Heart Associations That Have Been Active in Planning Stages— South Carolina,” Heart and Torch (American Heart Association), Vol. 15, No. 3, page 5. Fall 1967. Summerall, Charles M.D., “20th Century Epidemics,” Cardiovascular News and Notes for Physicians, Vol. 2, No. 5, page 1. August-September 1967. Berland, Theodore, “Regional Medical Programs Mobilize Against Killer Dis- eases,” Today’s Health, pages 32-38, 83- 87. January 1969. (Reprinted in Vews, In- formation and Data [Division of Regional Medical Programs], Vol. 3, No. 8. March 8, 1969.) Olson, Stanley W., M.D., “Mid-South Re- gional Medical Program,” Journal of the Tennessee Medical Association, Vol. 60, No. 10, pages 1072-1077. October 1967. Tbid., “Regional Medical Programs,” Vol. 60, No. 9, pages 931-934. September 1967. “First, Cobalt Center Rises,” Anchorage Daily Times, Anchorage, Alaska, Thurs- day, July 11, 1968. 29 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published Nationally and Locally, Continued WASHINGTON- ALASKA (Continued) WESTERN WISCONSIN NEW YORK Healey, Louis A., Jr., M.D., “The Wash- ington-Alaska Regional Medical Pro- gram,” Resident Physician, pages 58-65. April 1968. Hogness, John R., M.D., “The Northwest Program,” Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 43, No. 6, pages 494-503. June 1967. Results, Vol. 1, No. 2, April 1968 issue of the Washington-Alaska Regional Med- ical Program Newsletter, published in Northwest Medicine, Vol. 67, No. 4, pages 397-400. April 1968. _ Results, Vol. 1, No. 4, October 1968 issue of the Washington- Alaska Regional Medi- cal Program Newsletter, published in Northwest Medicine, Vol. 67, No. 10, pages 1004-1010. October 1968. Russell, Charles, “Keeping Up to Date Biggest Problem for Doctors,” Seatéle Post-Intelligencer. Tuesday, February 25, 1969. Ibid., “Plan Builds Education in Medic’s Daily Practice.” Monday, February 24, 1969. “Washington/Alaska Regional Medical Program,” Bulletin, Spokane County Medical Society, pages 9, 11, 18. April 1968. “What About Regions Combining States—Washington State and Alaska,” Heart and Torch (American Heart Asso- ciation), Vol. 15, No. 3, page 14. Fall 1967. “Two-Way Telecommunication Network,” The Buffalo Medical Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, page 24. Summer 1968. Hirschboeck, John S., M.D., “The Wis- consin Regional Medical Program OP- ERATIONAL PROJECTS,” Wisconsin Medical Journal, Vol. 67, pages 181-184. March 1968, INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS. Published Nationally and Locally, Continued WISCONSIN (Continued) | Ibid., “The Wisconsin Regional Medical Program: Opportunity and Challenge,” _ Vol. 66, pages 228-294, May 1967, [bid., “Wisconsin Began Planning Before Law was Passed,” Hospital Topics. June 1967, . 31 32 INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Division of Regional Medical Programs ALABAMA ALBANY ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA CENTRAL NEW YORK Finney, J. O., M.D., “Development of the Relationship Between the Medical Asso- ciation of the State of Alabama and the Alabama Regional Medical Program,” Proceedings: Conference-Workshop on Regional Medical Programs, Vol. I, pages 52-56 (PHS Publication No. 1774). Mason, Joseph J., Jr., “Council of Re- gional Planning Directors and Adminis- trators,” [bid., pages 50-52. Nelson, William P., IIT, M.D., “Communi- ty Cancer Coordinators,” /bid., pages 176- 17%. Oliver, Ward L., M.D., “Community In- formation Coordinators,” bid., pages 23— 25. Phillips, John B., M.D., “Assurance of Adequate Therapy following Detection of Cervical Carcinoma,” Jbid., pages 179-180. Woolsey, Frank M., M.D., “Community Hospital Learning Centers,” bid., pages 103-106. Bost, Roger B., M.D., “The Regional Medical Program as a Means of Increas- ing the Morale of the Family Doctor,” Tbid., pages 100-108. Brayton, Donald J., M.D., “Watts-Wil- lowbrook Regional Medical Program,” Tbid., pages 45-50. Ward, Paul D., “The Impact of RMP on Hard Core Poverty Areas,” Jbid., pages 28-29. Lyons, Richard H., M.D., “Use of a Tele- phone Network for Continuing Educa- tion,” Jbid., pages 19-21. Sovie, Margaret, “Continuing Nursing Education Using University Hospital Nursing Service Training Facilities,” Tbid., pages 124-126. INDIVIDUAL REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS Published by Division of Regional Medical Programs, Continued COLORADO- WYOMING CONNECTICUT GEORGIA GREATER DELAWARE VALLEY = Cooper, William G., M.D., “The Use of a Multimedia Approach to Enhance the Learning of Health Science Personnel,” Ibid., pages 17-19. Cohart, Edward, M.D., “The Role of a School of Public Health in a Developing Regional Medical Program,” Jbid., pages 42-44, Ives, John E., “Coordinating High En- ergy Radiation Therapy for 35 General Hospitals,” Jb¢d., pages 180-181. Riedel, Donald, Ph.D., and Hess, Orvan W., M.D., “A Study of Physician Office Practice in the Connecticut Region,” Tbid., pages 86-92. Seipp, Conrad, M.D., “The Delineation of Subregional Health Service Areas as a Basic Step in Regional Medical Plan- ning,” [bid., pages 59-62. Seligson, David, M.D., “Provision of -Optimum Clinical Laboratory Services for 3,000,000 People,” /bid., pages 4-6. Thompson, John D., “A Comprehensive Utilization and Patient Information Statistical System,” /b7d., pages 9-12. Weinerman, E. Richard, M.D., and Mor- rissey, Edward F., “Continuum of Long- Term Care within a Local Health Service Area,” [bid., pages 96-99. Barrow, J. Gordon, M.D., “Involvement of Local Hospitals in the Regional Medi- cal Program by the Appointment of Local Hospital Advisory Groups,” J6