ncn is 2. Be he &e is &. Specifically, what institutions would be eligible for grants? Medical schools? Hospitals? Health departments? which kinds — of grants to what kind of institutions? | ‘what organisation may apply for diagnostic and treateent station support? the university wodieal center? Hospital? Health department? Would a proprietary hospital be eligible? In the event of two or more applications from the same mamity (medical scheol or hospital) for support, how is a priority established? By whom? | dhat role is contemplated for the Hill-Burton program in supporting H.C.S. facilities? what of the Health Research Yanllities Progran? Uhat 1s the relationship of the nev Council to the National rch Facilities Souncil? How is a 90% Federal share justified in this program as contrasted to other PES grant orogramsT. . te this authority really needed? Can de how much under existing authorities? Should have non-duplication | language in new authority? Tine limite? Appropriation telling? How much flexibility should the law perait at this stage? I ce ax the «15s we Dow What organizational unit(s) in PHS would earry ont the progran(s)? Would a "center" be required to cover at Least the 3 major diseases, or just one or two? How sbout "stations"? How do these differ fron regional. ressereh centers we have asked for authority to construct and operate? How differ from other centers gach as wiiversity affiliated mentel raterdation centers, clinical research centers, contract operated facilities? - | How would the programe to be carried oat through the cantare and stations relate to on-going efforts in con What “approvals” of applications would be required before _ we would consider? State or local health doperteuetet Medical scoletiasy hat are the primary end secondary purposes of the bill? At the center? At the stations? How total must be the guographic coverage? te guard agetnet tho otaft at the canter being pre occupied with research and neglecting service? 17. 15. Be 20. a. #20 23. 2. ~ 3» What proportions should be permitted at the centers between teaching, research, and services--at the centers and at the stations? How minimise the fragnenting effect of the categorical senters and stations? What other major diseases would be included? How select? For what period of time will grants be meade? Are preliminary planning grants requir comunity plaming to be required? ed? Is comprehensive Advisory ecemittees required? At the center? At the stations? Representation and powers to be given to then? “Allowable costs? At the center? At the stations? Limits on the sunber of stations per center? Differences pornitted in allowable costs depending on whether an institution 1s tax supported or privately Would the centers or stations provide highly expensive treatment (e.g, kidney dialysis) not generally available otherwise? And not in the categorical disease area?