TU HEQO0GS04% OP Pp ms, pm ST fa a vo Spe Quy pry ron ee a ee N “eens aR ee co re epee ees Sie Rad Bie aud i ere ar ae tae ee tele eet Hh saw ed cme ad ame ae i, GBCONE POWELL, ADMINISTRATOR ae | January 12, 1965 Michael E. DeBakey, M. D., Chairman Presidential Commission on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke 1200 M. D. Anderson Blvd. Houston, Texas . Dear Dr. DeBakey: ic I have received a copy of a letter written to you on Janu- of i ary 6, 1965, by Miss Joan K. Grayson, R. N. who is in- terested in a position with the Presidential Commission C on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke. I have known Miss Grayson for a number of years, and she asked that I write @ you concerning her interest and also her ability. Miss Grayson is a very competent nurse with considerable administrative ability. She was associated with the Linde Company for several years and was also consultant in es- tablishing departments of Inhalation Therapy in hospitals throughout the country. Those of us at Baylor University Medical Center who worked closely with her have the highest respect for her ability and dedication. : I hope if you have an opportunity to visit us here in Dallas ho sometime, I will be able to show you some of the progress that has been made on this campus. With warmest personal regards, BP:jw