Oe i DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHCOL OF MEDICINE JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MIAMI, FLORIDA 33136 January 7, 1965 Dr. Michael E, DeBakey Baylor University College of Medicine Houston 25, Texas Dear Dr. DeBakey: | received a request from Dr. Edward Dempsey for copies of an article | recently published (copy enclosed for your convenient referral). He apparently saw a relationship in this article to the report of the President's Commission on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke, and sent me a copy of Volume | of the report. | very recently reached a decision that this _ medical school is still many years away from adequate. development. There are many problems of town-gown strife, lack of funds, lack of a physical plant, etc., and I have concluded that | had bes: seek elsewhere. Dr. Dempsey's letter turned my attention to the possibility that some of my academic background and views on medical education might coincide with your interests and that you might know of an opportunity. | am therefore taking the liberty of enclosing my curriculum vitae and bibliography and hope that you will not find this inquiry burdensome. Thank you very much. Sincerely yours, é ~ A! ; e ~ WO end 7 LE, LOM . Associate Professor of Surgery DSM/ho Enc.