ayn + JARRETT E, WILLIAMS, M. D. : B. B. TROTTER, M.D. BILL G. BROOKS, M. D. PATHOLOGY CONSULTANTS ? PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 1101 NORTH 19TH STREET TELEPHONE OR 3-1422 @ ABILENE, TEXAS 79601 a Fo a 19 “ December 28, 1964 . og | Michael DeBakey, M.D. '' Department of Surgery Baylor University College of Medicine f 1200 M. D. Anderson Boulevard Houston, Texas Dear Dr. DeBakey: This is just a brief note to request a little information. I have read some of your comments in regards to establishing additional two year medical » schools and feel that our locale may be very well suited for such a program. | We have a three hundred bed general hospital and a city with three colleges. - The hospital, Hendrick Memorial Hospital, is a Baptist hospital and is within a stone's throw of Hardin-Simmons University, also a Baptist institution. @ We would like to gather sone information as to the requirements, possible investment, operational expenses, etcetera. If you have any of this information available or could put me in touch with someone who could furnish this information, I would certainly appreciate it. _ I think that this would be an excellent opportunity for a Baptist institution | '. in the far western portion of our state to work in cooperation with the major: - Baptist institution in our state, located at the opposite end. Sincerely, CO AP | Piet fl ae fi fh ft Roy Ne. Bee B. B. Trotter, M.D. BBT /mm