== ae | | Sie il Ml MT ood sO UNIVERSITY Minnesota _ ow, ws esemanecea ¥ Hospital P, O, #195 ©@ : MEDICAL SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY + MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 88455 Office of the Chief a January 12, 1965 Dr. Michael E, DeBakey . JAN I = Baylor University 965 Medical School Department of Surgery Houston, Texas Dear Mike: By this time, you have undoubtedly seen Mr. Pillsbury. I did not get to see him “" prior to their leaving for Florida via Houston, In fact, he was reluctant to come | over, but I did have perhaps half a dozen or more telephone conversations with Mrs. Pillsbury concerning the pain in his right thigh, especially noticeable on walking or when the foot was ina dependent position, IT urged Mrs. Pillsbury, in the light of Mr. Pillsbury's reluctance to come in for an examination prior to their departure, to stop off to see you. It was reassuring, therefore, to learn that they were leaving directly for Houston, 9 additional reason for writing you now, Mike, is to inquire of you, who has spearheaded the Center Programs for the study of Heart Disease, Stroke, and Cancer, what the proper thing to do for an Institution like ours is in this matter, So far, I have heard very little discussion of it in our faculty, though the memoranda — in Time, Newsweek, and other news media suggest very definitely to me that our Medical School also should be developing a Program. What suggestions have you? What Agency in the Public Health Service will deal with these matters? Has the Program progressed and developed to the stage at which requests for support are invited? A word or two from you concerning all this will be very much appreciated, Let me tell you once more how very much Sally and I enjoyed the marvelous grape fruit you sent us for Christmas. With cordial good wishes for you and Diane for a rewarding 1965, : .! ’ : - . ‘ Sincerely, C)uy . Owen H, Wangensteen, M. D. @ nosy : “ wroressor and Chairman ae ee Department of Surgery t pet I mh ce | OHW:kk eg emp rp pe ee et om CET te err eee set: ep oN ee eee