Stil | ramet | NM il COS _-tABORATORY FOR EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE MONTANA DEACONESS HOSPITAL Seen _ y GREAT FALLS. MONTANA oo | E. G. Lusturaar, M.S., Researcn Aseooiare @ January 11, 1965 : J, Dr. Michael E. DeBakey AN 7 « C - Baylor University 196-6 ra College of Medicine : 1200 M. D. Anderson Boulevard a Houston 25, Texas Dear Mike: | understand that you are one of the prime moving forces in the planning of the Regional Centers under the auspices of the Johnson Administration. Several of us in this community are anxious to find out in which form and to what extent.a relatively small town such as ours can participate iin this development. Great Falls has a population of 70,000, but draws on a huge rural area for which it represents the medical center. It also has a variety of academic and investigational Be projects, several of them NIH supported. Please let me know © whether there is anything we can do, Our Transplantation Committee of the National Academy of Sciences is still going strong. In the last year or so there was much, and possibly too much, emphasis on kidney trans» plantation. Of the old timers, only Charlie Congdon from Oak Ridge and | have stayed on, Our Research Lab here in Great Falls is in the process of doubling its scope of activity since Jack Stimpfling of Bar Harbor has transferred his lab out here on January Ist. lt seems that we shall have lots of fun. Hoping that all is well with you and with warm regards, i Sincerely yours, (. be : a7 eg @ E. J. Eichwald; M. D. EJE/gj cc: Senator Mike Mansfield Senator Lee Metcalf Me Datess Cilenn E. J. Eronwaro, M.D., Oineator “ee at ltt, -