wnLuy 7 Ao Br / ONAX UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO MEDICAL CENTER BERKELEY * DAVIS * IRVINE + LOS ANGELES ° RIVERSIDE * SAN DIEGO * SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA * SANTA CRUZ SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94122 January 5, 1965 JANy 8S tone SCHOOL OF MEDICINE CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH INSTITUTE AIRMAIL Michael E. De Bakey, M.D. Department of Surgery Baylor University College of Medicine Texas Medical Center Houston, Texas Dear Doctor De Bakey: Thank you for your kind letter and also for sending me a copy of the Report on the President's Commission on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke. | don't know how you find time to do everything that you do and to do it so very well. All of us engaged in medical research and education owe you a real debt of gratitude for all you have done to make possible more and better research and research training. |[f you are ever in the Bay area | hope that you will visit the Cardiovascular Research Institute. | particularly would like to talk to you about your concept of what we, as an interdisciplinary research institute, can do toward helping in the total picture outlined so beautifully in your report to the President. Sincerely, a ‘ JULTUS H. COMROE, UR., M.D. Director JHC /cl