qq c ‘again, and our pleasure, of course, was cente Alton Ochsner, M.D, ae Woundation Elosnital 1516 Scficrson Highway. New Orleans, Louisiana Dear Chief: ron Dienc and fl were daclinnice to in New Orleans a ed largely in seeing you and the family. This was cux Hrst really good visit for’ some time with many of our old fviends, and it was 7 ak you and Mirs. Ochsner HOM aad a truly enjoyable e:zmecrience. VW for all of your hospitality and for your z OQ es, i rm, be t You may hove vead that the Duke of Windsor is hove ¢ dor resection Ol on oncuryuns of the abdominal aorta. the members of the woule wress andwe seem to face a continual | barvage of reporters and photoyrusners. My mecting with President Johnson to present the Report of c our Commission was highly successful. ae is with us in every respect and is very encouraging about the possi- bilitics of iraplementing our yecommendations. Thank you again for everything, and all good wishes . fov a happy noliday scason, ” Love to the family, es Michael E, De Bakey, M.D. MEDism - ©,S.: lara sending you wider scoarate cover a autographed copy of the Report. pera cepegiee ge oon ge presnercnectiis orton peeping = gga