yeu Sad Gigs AdOd . xO . OWAX . | OUSX Ott \ pevepnones: Mioway( 272824 (3°S5645 PLAZA 2-1000 MoRRIS FISHBEIN,M.D. S454 SOUTH SHORE DRIVE CHICAGO I5,ILLINOIS December 23, 1964 Michael E, De Bakey, M.D. ' Baylor University ‘, College of Medicine Texas Medical Center Houston, Texas. Dear Mike: .. an I am thrilled to have the advance copy of your report .to the President of the Commission on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke. I want to congratulate you on having come forward with a highly constructive program and one for which I would wish to do all that I possibly can. I am sending you @ copy of an editorial I wrote almost immediately for Medical World News based on the newspaper accounts and the report which came =o Medical World News from Washington. However, the full report goes so much more into detail that I expect to follow with additional editorials urging complete cooperation of all the agencies concerned. This afternoon I sat with a committee from the University of Chicago which is: about to go out voluntarily to raise $500,000 for a complete heart center at the University of Chicago. This will be headed by Professor Hans Hecht who is coming to the University from Utah. I am aware also that our Health Commissioner, Dr. Samuel Andelman, is contemplating a visit by you to Chicago by the end of January and I understand I have been suggested for mem~ bership on the committee that will sponsor your appearance. When I became president of the Chicago Heart Association about 18 months ago, one of my first suggestions was the districting of Chicago with the establishment of ten heart centers in leading institutions to eover the city of Chicago. This would have been done under the leadership of the Chicago Heart Association but there was a considerablé dragging of feet and the difficulties of finding funds for a special secretary and an office to carry on this work within the Heart Association. . Conceivably such funds might be available to carry on the work as a joint venture of the Chicago Heart Association and the Chicago Department of Health. , fo tA Omak AGO PAWdOU cuax _O8SX Dr. Michael E. DeBakey -2- December 23, 1964 AS you can observe from all of this, the pot that holds this situation is boiling and there is always the possibility that it might boil over, leaving very little useful residue. With my very best wishes, Sincerely yours, ALA RAAG F NEVA Morris Fishbein, M.D. fa encl.