TT Aato rAd ade Guar . OSX Oats UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LES « RIVERSIDE « SAN DIECG * SAN PAANCISOG Crank KERR : UNIVERSITY HALL President of the University BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94720 > Rosert D. Tscuircr January 7, 1965 University Dean of Academic Planning Dr. Michsel E, De Bakey Chairmen, Department of Surgery Baylor University College of Medicine Texas Medical Center Houston, Texas 77025 Dear Dr. Be Bakey: Thank you very much for sending me the reprints of your articles on "tne Future of Surgery” and "The Role of the Physician in Our Changing Society" as well as the splendid report of The Commission on Heart Disease, Cencer and Stroke. The scope and comprehension of this report are monumental and should profoundly influence the future course of medical education and practice in this country. I am personally in enthusiastic aceord with all of your recommendations involving the medical scnools and medical education. In fact, most of these recom~ mendacions will be utilized in a long range proposal for medical educa- tion in the University of California currently under development. For examole, we suggest the coordination and integration of the health facilities in the communities surrounding our major metropolitan medical schools and we hope to introduce two-year programs at our smaller campuses which will feed students to these clinical centers. The University of California is uniquely situated to accomplish this progrsm by virtue of lis administrative unity. Although I mow how completely your time is occupied, might it be possible for you to visit President Kerr and the Regents in California to discuss these matters further? Thank you agein for your courtesy in replying so promptly to my request. Yours sincerely, 2 ; ia : : “ . a An a 7 e L ° ° ’ “Pte fe Jovy MOS Pop pe ~ “Robert D. Ischirgi, MD, PhD University. Dean of Academic Planning Professor of Physiology and Anatomy, Ucle RDT sbme ec: President Kerr