no MN ema Wouvtarg Comment on Report of President's Commission on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke. 1/25/65 by Dr. DeBakey). asterisk. Originator of Letter Sister M. Consolata Administrator, St. Eliz. Hosp. Youngstown, Ohio L. O. Pilgeram, Ph.D. Director Arteriosclerosis Res. Lab. (St. Barnabas Hosp. Res. Fdn. & U. of Minn. Schl. of Med.) Morris Fishbein, M. D. Chicago Edio Guertzenstein, M. D. Instituto Brasileiro de investigaciones Cardio-vascular Paul David, M. D. Director, Institut de Cardiologie de Montreal B. B. Troller, M. D. Pathology Consultants Abilene, Texas Wm. Reidy, Exec. Director National Fdn for Research in Ulcerative Colitis (Brief of letters passed to Dr. Shannon on More interesting letters marked with Comment Summarized Wants St. Eliz. Hosp. considered for cardiovascular and stroke rehabilitation centers Sees "most imp....yet neglected area..." (in effort to reduce death from heart disease and stroke): "inability to accurately evaluate the individual with regard to a biochemical index of the activity level of atherogenic factors" (No one has physical facility or staff for this. Thinks approach similar to cancer-virus program will be needed) Promises enthusiastic support for program through Medical World News. Interested in grant possibilities for his instn. under this program. Wonders whether his Institute falls within scope of program definitions of cardiac center Feels that Abilene would be good place for 2 year medical schools Dr. DeBakey mentioned. (Not clear reference is to Pres. Comm. Report) Asks for job lobbying with Congress for program. Originator of Letter Alton Ochsner, M. D. Ochsner Clinic New Orleans Julius Comroe, Jr., M. D. Director, U. of Cal. San Francisco, Med. Ctr. Robert Tschirgi, M. D. U. Dean of Academic Planning U. of Cal. Daniel S. Martin, M. D. Assoc. Prof. Surgery U. of Miame Jon D. Smiley Administrator, Stevens Hospital Edmonds, Wash. E. J. Eichwald, M. D. Lab. for Exper. Medicine Great Falls, Montana (copy to Sen. Mansfield) Irving A. Sarot, M. D. Prof. of Cardiac & Toracic Surgery N.Y. Medical College Flower & 5th Avenue Hospitals, N.Y. Owen Wangenstien, M. D. Chairman, Dept. of Surgery U. of Minn. Comment Summarized Hasn't read Report but it" looks like a beautiful document." Wonders whether his clinic would qualify as one of the research units. Would like to discuss what his Cardiovascular Research Institute can do toward helping in total picture. Personally in enthusiastic accord with all recommendations including the medical schools and medical education (feels U. of Cal. uniquely situated to accomplish coordination and integration of health facilities in communities surrounding) Interested in job opportunity Interested in information on diagnostic and treatment station possibilities. Wants to know in what form and to what extent relatively small towns such as Great Falls can participate in complexes. Wants his instn to become one of research and treatment centers. Wants suggestion on what Med. Schl at Minn. should be doing about developing a program(in connection with complexes Asks who in PHS should be dealt. with. Originator of Letter Boone Powell Baylor U. Med. Ctr. Dalles, Texas Norman Molomyt, Ph.D. Sci. Director, Waldemar Med. Res. Fdn., Woodburg, L.I., N.Y. Arthur Vineburg, M. D. Cardiac Surgery, Royal Victoria Hosp. Montreal Comment Summarized Recommends job on Ht. Disease, Cancer and Stroke Comm. for Miss Joan Grayson, RN, who is specialist in inhalation therapy. Interested in how his inst. might fit in program as cancer ctr. X Interested in possibilities of heart center in Canada under the program.