ng Conference on Regional Medical Programs WASHINGTON HILTON HOTEL | WASHINGTON, D.C. January 15, 16, and 17 1967 Division of Regional Medical Programs of the National Institutes of Health of Public Health Service U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Lzeonwas H. Brary, M. D. = Professor, Cook County Graduate “ School of Medicine, and Michael Reese Hospital . Chicago, vanes mE - Mary I. BUNTING, Pu. D. <9 President “ Radcliffe College . Cambridge, Massachusetts -MicuaeL E. DeBaxey, M.D. ‘- Professor and Chairman Department of Surgery College of Medicine Baylor University Houston, Texas Bruce W. Everist, M.D. Green Clinic Ruston, Louisiana Joun R. Hocness, M.D. Dean, School of Medicine University of Washington Seattle, Washington James T. Hower, M.D. Executive Director Henry Ford Hospital Detroit, Michigan ATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON | REGIONAL ‘MEDICAL PROGRAMS 4“ Crarx H. MILtKAN, M.D. : » Consultant in Neurology / Senior Attending Physician . Pitre - _GEoRcE E. “Moore, M. D. Mayo Clinic : Rochester, at aaa Director / Roswell Park Memorial Institute Buffalo, New York Epmunp D. Pe.iecrino, M.D. Director of the Medical Center State University of New York Stony Brook, New York ALFRED M. Popma, M.D. Director, Department of Radiology St. Luke's Hospital and School of Nursing Boise, Idaho Macx I., M.D. State Health Commissioner State Department of Health Richmond, Virginia Corne.ius H. Trascer, M.D. 799 Park Avenue New York, New York Chatrman Wituiam H. Stewart, M.D. Surgeon General U.S. Public Health Service Bethesda, Maryland IMMEDIATE PAST MEMBERS Gorpon R. Cumminc Administrator Sacramento County Hospital Sacramento, California J. Wu.tis Hurst, M.D. Professor and Chairman Department of Medicine Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta, Georgia WitiiaM J. Peeptes, M.D. Commissioner of Health State Office Building Baltimore, Maryland Rosert J. SLATER, M.D. Dean, College of Medicine University of Vermont Burlington, Vermont ‘The CONFERENCE ON REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS, sponsored by the Division of Regional Medical Programs of the National Institutes of Health, has been called to provide a national forum in which this new concept in health can be discussed so that . . ¢ Ideas from a representative group of knowledgable persons can be obtained for the required Report of Surgeon General to the President and the ~ Congress ¢ Interchange of information may take place on planning, directions, and goals for the Programs among all organizations, institutions and indi- viduals concerned with Programs. Conference on REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS 3-6 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 REGISTRATION Concourse OPENING OF CONFERENCE Reception Terrace Dinner Meeting International Ballroom West Chairman: RoBERT Q. MarsTON, M.D. Remarks: | CHARLES L. Hupson, M.D. President American Medical Association Leo J. GEHRIG, M.D. Deputy Surgeon General U.S. Public Health Service Introduction PHILIP R. Les, M.D. of Speaker: Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Address: WILBUR J. COHEN Under Secretary of U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare MONDAY, JANUARY 16 GENERAL SESSION International Ballroom West Chairman: STANLEY W. Otson, M.D. Conference Chairman Speaker: Ropert Q. Marston, M.D. Associate Director National Institutes of Health Director Division of Regional Medical Programs “Philosophy and Goals of the Regional Medical Programs for Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke and Related Diseases” DISCUSSION SESSIONS: “Development of Cooperative Arrangements” Based on material supplied in advance of Conference, participants will address themselves to the above topic in assigned discussion groups. Assignment to groups and location of sessions are listed in Conference manual. LUNCHEON MEETING International Ballroom East Chairman: STANLEY W. Oxson, M.D. Speaker: James A. SHannon, M.D. Director National Institutes of Health “Science and Service” 9-10 a.m. 10 a.m.— 12 noon 12:30 p.m. ~—_ = 2 2 p.m. 3: 30- 5:30 p.m. GENERAL SESSION International Ballroom West Chairman: GrorceE James, M.D. Dean Mt. Sinai School of Medicine Speaker: VERNON E. Wixson, M.D. Dean University of Missouri School of Medicine “Program Evaluation” Panel: Epwarb KowaLewskI, M.D. Chairman, Board of Directors American Academy of General Practice C. H. WittiaM Ruue, M.D. Assistant Secretary Council on Medical Education American Medical Association Harvey L. Smiru, Px. D. Professor of Sociology and Director, Social Research Section University of North Carolina DISCUSSION SESSIONS: “Continuing Education, Research and Patient Care” Participants assemble in same discussion groups. NOTE FOR MONDAY EVENING: Monday evening has officially been left open. How- ever, staff in Conference Headquarters will help arrange for special meetings as they may be requested. TUESDAY, JANUARY 17 GENERAL SESSION International Ballroom 9 a.m. West Chairman: STANLEY W. Otson, M.D. Introduction Epwarp W. Dempsey, Pu. D. of Speaker: Professor of Anatomy Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Speaker: Swwney Farser, M.D. Director of Research Children’s Cancer Research Foundation Professor of Pathology Harvard Medical School “The Idea, the Intent and the Implementation” GENERAL SESSION: International Ballroom continuing West “The Report of the Surgeon General to the President and the Congress” Chairman: StoRM WHALEY Vice President for Health Affairs University of Arkansas Panel: MicwHact E. DeBaxey, M.D. Professor and Chairman Department of Surgery College of Medicine Baylor University Bruce W. Everist, M.D. Green Clinic Ruston, Lousiana 11 am— 1 p.m. 1 p.m. James T. Howe 1, M.D. Executive Director Henry Ford Hospital Ray E. Trusses Lt, M.D. Director Columbia University School of Public Health and Administrative Medicine Pau. N. Y.ivisaKer, Pu. D. Ford Foundation DISCUSSION SESSIONS: “Surgeon General’s Report on the Regional Medical Programs to be presented to the President and the Congress” Participants will be given new discussion group assign- ments and locations as listed in Conference manual. ADJOURNMENT MEMBERS OF SPECIAL AD HOC ADVISORY COMMITTEE NAMED BY SURGEON GENERAL TO DEVELOP REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT AND THE CONGRESS DEALING WITH THE DIVISION OF REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Ray E, Brown Director Graduate Program in Hospital Administration Duke University Medical Center Durham, North Carolina *Micnaet E. DEBAxey, M.D. Professor and Chairman Department of Surgery College of Medicine Baylor University Houston, Texas *Bruce W. Everist, M.D. Green Clinic Ruston, Louisiana *James T. Hower, M.D. Executive Director Henry Ford Hospital Detroit, Michigan Georcr James, M.D. Dean Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York, New York BoIsFEUILLET JONES Director Emily and Ernest Woodruff Foundation Atlanta, Georgia Cuarces E. Opecaarp, Pu. D. President University of Washington Seattle, Washington *Members of the National Advisory Council. *EpmuND D. PELLEGRINO, M.D. Director, Medical Center State University of New York Stony Brook, New York C. H. Wituiam Ruue, M.D. Assistant Secretary Council on Medical Education American Medical Association Chicago, Illinois Crark K, SizeTu, M.D. Dean, West Virginia University School of Medicine Morgantown, West Virginia Ray E. Trussett, M.D. Director Columbia University School of Public Health and Administrative Medicine New York, New York Burton Weissrop, Pu. D. University of Wisconsin Department of Economics Madison, Wisconsin Rosert E. WestLakeE, M.D, Medical Arts Building Syracuse, New York Paut N. YLVISAKER, Pu. D. Ford Foundation New York, New York “Mark Beaxe : Director *: ‘San Francisco California - Kevin P. BuHNECL Ed. D. _' Associate Director “. Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education Boulder, Colorado SwwnEy B. CoHEN » Management Consultant Adelphi, Maryland Grorce James, M.D. Dean, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine New York, New York Howarp W. Kenney, M.D. Medical Director John A. Andrew Memorial Hospital Tuskegee, Alabama Epwarp J. KowatewskI, M.D. Chairman, Board of Directors American ‘Academy of General Practice Akron, Pennsylvania REGIONAL “MEDICAL PROGRAMS Rey ie : pea GrorcE E. MILLE 7 M.D. ae my - . Director, Office of Res Mount Zion Hospital & Medical Center : : fe College. of Medicin _-/-; University of Illinois ae Chicago, Mhnoi rch i in », Medical Education, Anne Pascasio, Ph, D. Oak Park Chateau Oak Park, Illinois Davin E. Rocers, M.D. Professor and Chairman Department of Medicine School of Medicine * Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee GC. H. Wittiam Ruue, M.D. Assistant Secretary Council on Medical Education American Medical Association Chicago, Illinois Kerr L. Wuite, M.D. ; Director, Division of Medical Care and Hospitals School of Hygiene and Public Health Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland CONSULTANTS Epwin L. Crossy, M.D. Executive Vice President and Director American Hospital Association Chicago, Illinois Purp M. Morss, Ph. D. Director, Operations Rsearch Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts SamuEL Procer, M.D. President, Bingham Associate Fund Physician-i in-Chief New England Medical Center Hospitals Boston, Massachusetts Rosert J. Stater, M.D. Executive Director The Association for the Aid of Crippled Children, Room 700 New York, New York Joun D. THomMpson Professor of Public Health & Director Program in Hospital Administration Yale University School of Public Health New Haven, Connecticut U.S, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1966--O-24 1-035