ce ¥* Obie Sureested Questions for Sudeet Briefings RMP Operational .Grants 1. How does RMP £it into the National effort to improve the delivery of health care? 2. How does RMP relate to CNP, Health Services R&D, and new proposals like -. HMO's and FHIP? 3. What will be the effect of areawida Hcalth Planning agency (314b) review of RMP proposals? _ 4. After 5 years of operation, to what specific accomplishments can you point to indicate that your goals and objectives are being met? 5. Your 1970 erant chlicetion level of $78.2 million has been reduced to $70 million for 1971 and $75 million for 1972. Addreceineg the 2972 ond 1972 reductions, please explain the impact on the operations of the 53 Regional Medical Programs, 9 **~ a f 6. Your new suthorizaticn (2.L. 91-525) for Regional Medical Programs grants was expanded to include support for kidney disease. How do you plan to use the authority? Do you have a policy on processing and funding grant appli- cations for kidney discase activities? 7. Your 1972 budget includes $5 million in obligations for the construction of - a Cancer Treatment Conter in the Northwast part of the United States. Could you be more specific? Do you hava any other constructionsplans in 1971 ov 72° 8. How are you responding to the earmarks in the 1971 conference report? (a} Mobile coronary care. . (b) Kidney discase Soe ° 9, In view of the new grant authority to support kidney disease activitic 1971 and the phase-out of federal support for the Nome Hemodialysis Centers in 1972, will it be phased out? What are your long range pi the Kidney Disease Control Coatract Program (approximately $3.4 million)? Will new initiatives be undertcken? . + 10. Your budget states that you have supported 12 Home Hemodialysis Training “Centers since 1967. We understand that federal support of these Centers will be phased-out éfter 1972. How much money have we invested into these Center and how many people have we trained for heme hemodialysis through 1972. Will these Centers become self-sufficient in 1973? Smoking and Health s ll. What effect will the January 2, 1971 termination of cigarette TVEadvertise- ments have on the effort of the Smoking and Health Program? 4/27/71 Congressman Michel is asking questions on Object Class increases and The budget schedule is at E(2). decreases. Permanent positions Positions other than permanent Personnel benefits Project contracts Grants, subsidies and contributions +$254 ,000 +$ 44,000 +$ 22,000 -$157,000 +$4, 702,000 Increased pay cost - $159,000. Mandatory within-grade pay increases — $157,000. Public Law 91-515 allows increase in rate of compensation for consultants to be more consistent —with rates for full time employees. Sec. set rate at GS-15 equivalent. Annualization of health insurance benefits ~ $4,000. Increased pay To cover cost of mandatory with-in grade pay increases. To cover most of $5,000,000 earmarkex for cancer institute in Northwestern part of the United States.