RL NAME POSITION BIRTHPLACE AND DATE EDUCATION EXPERIENCE Present 1970-1971 1969-1971 2. .8-1969 1967-1968 1965-1967 1966-1967 1966-1967 1965-1966 1361-1964 1959-1961 1949-1961 1959-1961 1949-1959 1949-1961 1949-1961 1949-1961 oe oe DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Health Services and Mental Health Administration Regional Medical Programs Service Biographical Sketch Harold Margulies, M.D. Director, Regional Medical Programs Service Sioux Falls, South Dakota, February 13, 1918 University of Minnesota, 1938, A.B. University of South Dakota, 1940, B.S. University of Tennessee, 1942, M.D. University of Minnesota Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Founcation, 1948, M.S.. Fellowship in Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 1944-45, 1946-1949 Director, Regional ‘edical Programs Service Acting Director, Regional Medical Programs Service, Public Health Service . : Deputy Assistant Administrator for Program Planning and ae ee oe os ae es oa Evaluation, Health Services anc Mental Health Administration Secretary, American Medical Association Council on Health Manpower, America... Medical Association Acscciate Director, Am -ican Medical Association, Division of Socio-Economic Activities, Washington, D. C. Associate Director, Division of International Medical Education, Association of American Medical Colleges and Director, AAMC-AID Contract Project Consultant, National Advisory Commission on Health Manpower Consultant, White House Office of Science and Technology, for Evaluation of Medical Programs for Pakistan Advisor on Medical Education, World Health Organization, Eastern Mediterrarean Regional Office, Alexandria UAR Professor of Medicine and Chief of Party, Indiana University Advisory Group, AID Contract, Postgraduate Medical Center, Karachi, Pakistan Principal Investigator, United Heart Station, Iowa Methodist Hospital Clinical Teaching Staff, Iowa Methodist Hospital Director of Blank Guild Feart Station, Iowa Methodist Hospital Director of Education, Iowa Methodist Hospital Director of Electrocardicgraphic Laboratory, Iowa Methodist Hospital Consultant in Internal Medicine, Veterans Administracion Private Medical Practice, Des Moines, Iowa Page 2 Biographical Sketch Harold Margulies, M.D. ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP : Sigma Xi Fellow of the American College of Physicians Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine Mayo Alumni Association American Medical Association Association of American Medical Colleges Fellow of the American Public Health Association Board of Trustees, Des Moines Art Center, 1958-1961 BIBLIOGRAPHY Harold Margulies, M.D. Margulies, H. and Barker, N. W. "Coagulation Time of Blood in Silicone Tubes." American Journal of Medical Sciences, 218:42-51, July 1949, Margulies, H. and Barker, N.W, “Coagulation Time of Blood in Silicone Tubes in Patients Receiving Dicumarol." American Journal of Medical Sciences, 218:52-57, July 1949. , Margulies, H. "Heart Failure." Journal of the Iowa Medical Society, 40:255-257, June 1950. Gustafson, J.E. and Margulies, H. "Electrocardiographic Changes in Acute Poliomyelitis." Journal of the Towa Medical Society, 41:349-353, August 1951. Margulies, H. "Hemolytic Anemia." Journal of the Iowa Medical Society, 44:15-17, January 1954. Baridon, D., Jr. and Margulies, H. "Myocardial Infarction as Treated at ~ Iowa Methodist Hospital; 54 Year Study." Journal of the Iowa Medical Society, 44:416-420, September 1954, Margulies, H.', Gustafson, J.E., and Boolie, v. "Use of Exercise Tolerance Test in Cardiac Disease."' Journal of Iowa Medical Society, 52:657-660, October 1962. Margulies, H. "The Structure of Medical Education in Pakistan." Journal of Medical Education, 38:752-759, September 1963. Margulies, H. "The Role of the Postgraduate Medical Center in Medical Education in Pakistan."" Journal of Medical Education, 38:760-764, September 1963. Margulies, H. “Hospital Administration, a New Profession." Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 15:109-114, February 1965. Margulies, H. “The AID Program," Clinical Research, 13:505-508, December — 1965. os Bibliography - Harold Margulies, M.D. 2 Margulies, H. "The Foreign Medical Graduate and the United States." Manpower for the World's Health. Association of American Medical Colleges, 1966. - Margulies, H. "Medical Education in Developing Countries - A Commentary." Indian Journal of Medical Education, 5:1-4, January 1966. Margulies, H. "Neurological Training for Foreign Medical Graduates." Journal of Neurosurgery, 27:11-14, 1967. Margulies, H., Bloch, L.S., and Cholko, F.K. ''Random Survey of U.S. Hospitals with Approved Internships: A Study of Professional Qualities of Foreign Medical Graduates." Journal of Medical Education, 43:706-716, June 1968. Margulies, H. "Foreign Medical Graduates: An Unsolved Crisis. in U.S. Hospitals." Hocpital Progress, June 1968. Wilbur, D. L. and Margulies, H. "The Requirement for Medical Manpower." World Medical Journal, 6:140-143, 1969. Margulies, H. and Bloch, L.S. Foreign Medical Graduates in the United States. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harva. | University Press, 1969. Margulies, H. "The United States." Migration of Medical Manpower. New York, Josia Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1971. p. 59-66, NAME POSITION BIRTHPLACE AND DATE EDUCATION EXPERIENCE Present 1970-1971 "1969-1970 @ *. 1962-1964 66-7 69 64-1966 1960-1962 ASSOCT .TION MEMBERSHTP @ CATIONS oe Health Services and Mental Health Administration Regional Medical Programs Service Biographical Sketch Herbert Bowen Pahl Deputy Director, Regional Medical Programs Service Camden, New Jersey August 14, 1927 Virginia Military Institute, 1945 Swathmore College, 1947-1950; B.A. in Chemistry and Biology University of Michigan, 1951-1954, M.S. 1952; Ph.D. 1955 Fellowships: Atomic Energy Commission Predoctoral Fellow National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellow Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, 1954-1957 Fellowships: Sloan-Kettering Fellow USPHS (National Cancer Institute) Postdoctoral Fellow Deputy Director, Regional Medical Programs Service, Public Health Service Actin, Associate Director, Program Planning and Evaluation, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH Deputy Associate Director for Scientific Programs, National Instit ate of General Medical Sciences, NIH Executive Director, Committee on Research in the Life Sciences, Nationul Acedemy of Sciences/National Research Council Chief, General Research Supnort Branch, Division of Research Faciljties and Resources, NIH Special Research Resources Branch, Division of Research Facilities and Rescrces, NIH (1962- Scientist Administrator; 1963-Acsistant Chief of Branch, Acting Chief of Branch; 1964-Chief of Branch) Executive Secretary of Separate Graduate Research Training Programs, Research Training Branch, Division of General Medical Sciences, NIH Sigma Xi Phi Lamba Upsilon (chemistry) Phi Sigma (biology) Phi Kappa Phi (academic) Tue. Biochemical Society American Chemical Society American Association for the Advancement of Science New York Academy of Sciences The Biophysical Society American Society for Public Administration numerous NAME POSITION BIRTHPLACE AND DATE EDUCATION EXPERIENCE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Health Services and Mental Health Administration Regional Medical Programs Service . Biographical Sketch - : Charles Hilsenroth : Director for Management (RMPS Executive Officer) New York, N.Y., June 10, 1917 New York University, LL.B., 1939 - 1966 to Present: Director for Management (Executive Officer), 1957-1966 1951-1957 1947-1957 1942-1947 1934-1942 ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP MEMBER Regional Medical Programs Service : Executive Officer, Bureau of Medical Services/P.H.S. Executive Secretary of the Federal Hospital Council : With the Hill-Burton program in a variety of assignments, field and central office (program analyst, field representative, and Executive Officer of the Division) Office of General Counsel and Office of Administrator, Federal Security Agency New York law firm, Tanzer & Mullaney American Hospital Association American Public Health Asscciation American Association for Hospital Planning American Society for Public Administration New York and U.S. Supreme Court Bars Active in local and voluntary civic organizations. NAME POSITION BIRTHPLACE AND DATE EDUCATION EXPERIENCE Present 1969-1970 1967-1969 1967 1966 1965-1966 1965-1968 1963-1964 - DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Health Services and Mental Health Administration Regional Medical Programs Service — Biographical Sketch Thomas Croft : Financial Management Officer, Regional Medical Programs Service Sumter, South Carolina, August 24, 1941 : University of South Carolina, 1963, A.B. Duke University School of Law, 1964-65 : Financial Management Officer, Regional Medical Programs Service : Program Analysis Officer, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, DHEW Budget Officer, Office of the Assistant Secretary, Comptroller, DHEW Staff Director, Financial Management Career Service, DHEW Budget Analyst, Bureau of Disability Insurance, Social Security Administration Assistant to the Executive Officer, Communicable Disease Center, Public Health Service Management Intern, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare : English Teacher, Hand Jr. High School, Columbia, South. Carolina