NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE BETHESDA, MD. 20014 AREA CODE 30! TO: TEL: 656-4000 All invitees to the January 15-17, 1967, Conference on Regional Medical Programs who were unable to attend. Although you were unable to accept our invitation to attend, we thought you might like to review preliminary materials and the papers presented at the Conference. Therefore, we have prepared the attached packet of copies of that material for you. It is our hope that you will find this material interesting and a useful reference source on Regional Medical Programs. In preparation for the first draft of the required June 30, 1967, Report of the Surgeon General to the President and the Congress on Regional Medical Programs, we are now studying all summaries of the small discussion sessions held during the Conference. In addition, we are also reviewing letters in which many participants have offered suggestions and ideas generated by the Conference. If, on the basis of the enclosed material, or from you own experiences, you care to relay your own ideas or suggestions on Regional Medical Programs, they would be most welcome. Robert Q. Marston, M.D. Associate Director, National Institutes of Health, and Director, Division of Regional Medical Programs Enclosures