An NR "Tre 7 ce ~ Program: Regional Medical Programs (Dollars in thousands) Budget Data . 1972. 1973 Change Budget Authority $99 ,402 $130,151 | $30,749 Obligations 143,902 130,151 -13,751 Positions ot 169 194 +25 1971 1972 : 1973 Analysis of RMP Funds Comparable Comparable Comparable Grants and Contracts (B.A.)....++- $103,937 $ 94,800 | $125,100 Carried Over From Past Year..... 15,298 ~ 44,500 | oe Carried Over to Next Year....... -44 ,500 --- ot eee Grants and Contracts (Obligations) 74,735 139,300 125,100 © Direct OperationsS.......eseeees oo 4,155 4 ,602 5,051 Total, Budget Authority....... 108,092 99,402 130,151 (ObligationS).......ceeeeeeeee (78,890) (143,902) (130,151) Grants and Contracts (Obligations) Traditional RMP Activities........ $69,735 $94,100 $94,100 Health Maintenance Organizaticns.. --- 16,200 --- Emergency Medical Services........ - a 8,000 15,000 Area Health Education Centers..... --- | 7,500 7,500 Kidney Diseasé.....seeceeccecerees 5,000 8,500 8,500 Construction of Cancer Center..... -—-- 5,000 --- 74,735. 139 , 300 125,100 KIDNEY DISEASE Contracts and Grants (Estimated) 1972 1973 No. Amount - No. Amount — Home training for Kidney . Hemodialysis Centers......+.-. 7 1/ $1,631,100 0 --- Kidney organ procurement PLOFECES. cree ewer c ee esnscncons 1 50,000 °° -- --- Model regional integrated dialysis 2/....scsesevceveceee 2 - 450,000 N/A 2,461,100 Limited care dialysis projects.. 3. 165,000 -~: --- Other major areas.....seeeeeeees 4 165,000 _--+ --~ Subtotal. .....cccccccevees 17. 2,461,100 . N/A 2,461,000 Regional Medical Program Grants (Several project activities)... ccc cece eee eeene 45 6,039 ,000 N/A 6,039 ,000 1 Leucececenetens 62 8,500,100 N/A 8, 500,100 1/ Nearly 686 patients have been accepted into these training Programs and 622 have graduated to home dialysis. 2/ Integrated systems will include home dialysis training, organ procurement, and transplantation. RMP Grant Funding (through 12-31-71) ‘Number of grants ....... ra 56 (55-are~operational) Number of projects funded out of grants. sees 569 © ‘Nutiber of positions supported by grants. ..... 2,750 Projects level 6 6 6 ee te ee ee eee ee ee ee ee SAL M, Core support: Administration and planning .......... 88M. Project support and assistance .....s.s.. 30.2 M. Subtotal ..... wee ee ee we ee we ew ew we © 39,0 M. ‘ . $81.2 M. Total o e¢ @ #* # e# @ # * e . ee ¢ a) ° o # € 6 ° . ed Emphasis of RMP Project Funds Patient care demonstrations, which directly benefit patients... +. +s. + sees ‘Manpower training and utilization ...... ae Other activities such as communications networks, improved patient record systems, and coordination of services... s+ +e The last two also lead to expanded and improved care, but indirectly... 1+ +++e-s $15.4 M. 37% 22.8 M. 54% Patient Care Demonstrations Which Improve Quality, Accessibility, and Organization of Health Services 86 coronary and other intensive care activities ....... Expanded and improved ambulatory care in neighborhood health centers, clinics, and outpatient departments ..... Expanded and improved home care and long-term care ..... Other activities such as emergency services, mobile units, specialized care services, and non-intensive in-hospital care . 6 1 ee eee ee ee ee ew ee ee ws 7.5 M. 9.2 M. 2.8 M. 7.3 M. Manpower Training and Utilization It is estimated that approximately 148,600 physicians, nurses, and other health personnel will have been trained in fiscal year 72 at a cost of about $32 million. Purposes of RMP. training and continuing education are generally to either (1) up-grade present skills and knowledge, (2) train in new skills or (3) train new personnel. Estimated numbers that will have been trained: Physicians Nurses Allied Health Multiprofessional Total New People . . 2,300 | 2,300 — New skills . . 3,500 10,900 18,900 16,800 | 50,100 ” Upgrading: existing . . 22,900 16,700 4,600 52,000 | 96,200 ‘TOTAL . . 26,400 27 ,600 25 ,800 68,800 148,600 Regional Medical Program Lowa RMP fetro New York RMP Metro Washington D.C. RMP Jhio State RMP Jregon RMP sasMeron/slaska RMP MOBILE CORONARY CARE UNITS (as of December 31, 1971) Project and Location #13 - Mobile Intensive Coronary Care Unit - Mason City #1 - Mobile Coronary Care Unit - St. Vincent Hospital Medical Center - New York City. #12 - Mobile Coronary Care Unit - . Montgomery County, Md. #6 ~ Sudden Death Mobile Coronary Care Unit - Columbus #13. - Mobile Emergency Cardiac, Providence Hospital - Portland #27 - Feasibility Study Treatment- Emergency Myocardial Infare- tion - Seattle ‘February 29, 19/2 ' Latest Furiding (Totals) $34,000 Terminated Terminated December 31,197: $138,152 Terminated March 31, 1971. $51,700 ye 1 # see WENA rey Prump cory POLaT Geet eee 0” * et : fast We ve t ‘ MSH paem Rh pemeay rm peed 4 ‘Nema’ 2 fi, aa £. > | ba! pd ity, at Sty ye if }<- Be — to yw Ppt aE ar err pean oz aang forte gt mg Yorn rene eet ’ 1 ah AEA MAE pe ee bi gmtees h ht 4 Seen ny plan ai eke i vdaga pen erty % wiibansy : ow. 7 Ae ttt mn gh oe rie