yg RE EMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH SERVICES AND MENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION ® : Chief DATE: February 24, 1972 Grants Management Branch FROM : Grants Management Officer SUBJECT: Information Still Required for Completion of Application for Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington J have recently reviewed all the information forwarded to and from the Washington/Alaska Regional Medical Program and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in an attempt to answer the question ''where do we go from here" in Dick Russell's memorandum to the Director, RMPS dated February 11, 1972. Included in my review was the application for the Cancer Center submitted January 14, °.72, the site visit report dated January 24 and 25 by the entire site visit team, my own site visit report to you dated January 26, 1972, the recommendations on this Cancer Center from the National Advisory Counc’. of November 10, 1971 and February 8, 1972 and the questions concerning the proposed Cancer Center to serve HEW Region X © that was developed by Mr. Ken Raum of RMPS staff. B.sed on the aforementicned review one of my primary recommendations would be for a member of RMPS sta.f to cross reference the recommendations made by Council on November 10, 1971 and Februery 8, 1972 and the questions raised concerning the proposed Cancer Center to serve HEW Region X by Mr. Ken Baum to the revised application for this Cancer Center dated January 14, 1972 and the official site visit report om this Center. By accomplishment of this task it will then be readily apparent to any and all concerned as to what questions and concerns have already been resolved and what questions and concerns have still to be replied to. At the present time it is impossible to determine this fact since there is no way, without going through each question individually to all sources of ir ormation available, to determine whether the proper information required has already been furnished. Although I feel in my review of the Council recommendations of November 1971 and February 1972 and the questions concerning the proposed Cancer Center developed by Mr. Ken Baum, that it would be of optimal benefit to RMPS to have all such questions resolved prior to June of this year to support the issuance of the award of $5 million, I do not feel that © Page 2 - Gerald T. Gardell all answers to all questions is either completely necessary prior to making the award or that such answers would be completely factual since the Cancer Center would not begin operating before the Spring of 1975 at the earliest based on the current construction schedules. I am of the opinion that answers given to many of the questions based on the circumstances in existence at the present time could change substantially before the Center actually becomes operational. In addition, since based on my discussions with the architect when I was on the site visit, the actual contract for the construction of the facility would probably not be let to a qualified bidder until June of 1973, there would actually be no expenditure of funds until such date and much of the information currently desired could be furnished before the actual obligation of any funds. t do feel that it is imperative that certain information be developed and submitted to us prior to June of 1972 to justify us issuing the award so as to document obligation of the funds prior to June 30th. This information would fall into three main groupings which would be as follows: a. A floor by floor layout or schematic of the facility indicating what types of activities would be conducted on each floor, a description of the building and the type of equipment to be included therein. In my discussions with the architect at the site visit he indicated that. such information could be furnished © prior to the first of June 1972. b. All the information required under VI, page 11 entitled "Technical and Administrative Requirements" of the document developed by Mr. Ken Baum entitled "Questions Concerning the Proposed Cancer Center to Serve HEW Region X."" In my telephone conversations with Dr. Donal Sparkman of the Washington/Alaska Regional Medical Program and Mr. Richard Cole of the Facility's Engineering Construction Agency of Region X in Seattle on February 22, 1972 I indicated that this information be developed for us at the earliest possible moment. c. If the grant is going to be made under the 910 mechanism directly to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center it should be decided at the earliest possible moment whether or not the staff of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center would become the fiscal agent or it would be more appropriate for the University of Washington to act as the fiscal agent as they do for Washington/Alaska Regional Medical Program. In my conversation with Mr. Cole of the Facility Engineering Construction Agency I indicated to him firmly that it would be their responsibility to perform the complete review of the contents of the application. [f informed Page 3 - Gerald T. Gardell him that the review performed by the National Advisory Council is solely review of the total concept contained in the application and not a review of each constituent part thereof. He appreciated my comments and indicated that he would assist the Regional Medical Program and staff of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center as requested at the earliest possible moment. In my conversation with Dr. Sparkman I indicated that the intent of the award of $50,000 to them was to provide funds as necessary for developing the information previously mentioned for submittal to us at the earliest possible moment. My immediate recommendation is that a letter be drafted to the Washington/Alaska Regional Medical Program and staff of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center informing chem cf the information still required and institute follow-up action on a4 bi-weekly basis to assure that the information will be developed timely for us to support the issuance of the award prior to the end of this fiscal_perjod, » Cope {LC ET oe DN ene Rogex Miller cc: Dr. Margulies Dr. Pahl Mr. Chambliss Mr. Baum Mr. Russell Mr. Moore