. e REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAMS bpt . Development of 1969 budget estimates . {In thousands) Department celimninary = aoe .. id of Health, estimate t ow) : Ecucakion 2 Department , * sae President's Chligations by activity Change of Health Change | and Welfare Change Sudeot sducation to Bureau 2 Education eas - o£ tne wid Welfare and Welfare Budget $205 ,68 ~3103 ,O00 392,660 -37 ,G00 $35,860 =$22,100 $62,200 =22,100 209,680 7158,000 | 92,000 “7,60 Pox, , tea, “ 3 914 -i72 | 47 3,542 | . -195 C4 3,347 Review and epprova GY 1,064 201 | 4%. 863 vawene [22 863 $2 |F%° 905 Progran directlon~--~--+-re-7-0- 77 3,913 -735 | 7% 2,278 -238 (72 2,040 "237 17/4803 / ‘\ ‘\ : fe et “otal direct operationgs<-r-++- 206) 7,791 | +1108 (29) 6,683 | =433 ¥792) 6,250 ~228 /4) § 022 207,791 ~109, 108 98,683 -7 433 91,250 AUCHOLLZACLonscccvcsvecccssesecve Appropriation: GrantS.rcceccoes occ e reer cnece Direct operationS...eccsceeee Add: Balance brought forward from previous year.......00. Less: Amounts held in Reserve by BOB. cove erscecessvasvene Amount available for obligation... .csccvreceees se eescee Less: @ Amount obligated~- ; GrantsS....ceeee svc ccccces oe Direct operationS....scccee Subtotal. .ccccscccecevve Lapse: GLANS ce ccccvccvaavesseseveses Direct operations,......-6 oe Subtotal....see. pecencesee Balance carried forward...c.cssees February 19, 1968 Budget Histor (In thousands) FY 1966 FY 1967 FY 1968 FY 1969 $50,000 $90,000 $200,000 . 24,000 43,000 53,900 62,900 1,000 2,004 4,914 6,022 25,000 45,004 58,814 68,922 a/ 21, 934= 25,900 30,900 wae 21,000 30,900 . 25,000 45,938 53,814 99,822 2,066 27,052 48,900 93, 800 487 1,848 4,886 6,022 2,553 28, 900 53,786 © 99,822 vee 11, 9822/ vee . 513 156 agc/ i 513 12,138 28 cee 21,934 4,900 os Available through December 31, 1966 b/ These funds were appropriated for fiscal year 1966, available for obligation until December 31, 1966. They lapsed on that date. c/ BOB Cost Reduction iets 1 bask hme ee NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Regional Medical Programs (In thousands) 1967 Actual A 7 Funds avattepie, (LLeee®), $31,952 . ODILgaxLOnsS. cccecorccccccccees 27,052 052 Unobligated balance carried forward... .cccsee 4,900 1968 Estimate $48 ,900* 48 ,900 @eaoeeoeuves 1969 Estimate $93 ,800** 93,800 eaaeaneeee” 1966 -- 7 planning grants awarded 1967. -- 41 planning grants awarded 4 operational grants awarded 1968 << 5 planning grants awarded 1 planning grant pending February's Council review 1 operational grant awarded 3 operational grants approved, not awarded 6 operational grants pending February's Council review 10 operational grant applications anticipated 1969 -- 30 operational grant applications anticipated Summary: 1967 1968 Total planning grants..cees 48 54 Total operational grants,.. 4 24 * Ineludes $21,000,000 carried forward, in addition to $4,900,388, *k Includes $30,900,000 carried forward, x cn et a ence mI UR HET